Development Without Women Is Not Development: Why Gender Matters To The Asian Development Bank


"The content of the publication Development Without Women Is Not Development: Why Gender Matters to the Asian Development Bank—drawn from various articles of the bi-annually published SEAGEN Waves Newsletter: Gender and Development News—was produced by Uzma S. Hoque, former senior social sector specialist (Gender and Development) of the Southeast Asia Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB). Assistance provided by Karen Emmons in the preparation of individual feature stories as part of a broader compilation of women’s narratives in Southeast Asia is recognized. The support of Laurence Levaque, senior social sector specialist (Gender and Development), Rikard Elfving, senior social sector specialist, Zonibel Woods, senior gender specialist and Southeast Asia Department national gender consultants (former and present) Leavides G. Domingo-Cabarrubias, Claire Angeline P. Luczon, and Joanne Carmela Barriga Quintana, in the coordination and completion of the booklet, is greatly appreciated. Gender specialists, Chandy Chea, Theonakhet Saphakdy, Giang T. Nguyen, and colleagues from ADB resident missions in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, and Viet Nam have assisted in the collection of narratives and photos from their respective countries. Administration support was facilitated by Maria Angelica Magali Vivar and Ruchel Marie Grace Rea Roque-Villaroman. Thanks is extended to the Department of Communications for their assistance in publishing the booklet. Coordination support has been carried out by Ma. Katrina M. Fernando from ADB Department of Communications. Proofreading services were rendered by Ma. Theresa Arago. Edith Creus prepared the layout design for the booklet. The women in Southeast Asia, whose stories are presented in the publication, are gratefully acknowledged. Their narratives articulate aspirations toward empowerment and inspire ADB’s commitment on accelerating progress in gender equality as prioritized in the ADB’s Strategy 2030: Achieving a Prosperous, Inclusive, Resilient, and Sustainable Asia and the Pacific..."


Uzma Hoque


Asia Development Bank (ADB)

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  • Individual Documents










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    • Good

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