Online sale of crafts, clothes, art, books, CDs, magazines etc.

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Websites/Multiple Documents

Description: Consolidated online sale of used and new books from participating bookshops. 7344 titles for "burm*", 200 for "Myanmar" (February 2002). "Access the bookshelves of thousands of used, secondhand, rare, and out-of-print booksellers around the world. With over 9000 independent dealers in our network, shopping for hard-to-find books just got easier".
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: For "Burma": 33 German Burma titles, 106 English titles; 53 results in Zbooks (February 2002)
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Deutsch, English
Description: 58 resultats pour "birmanie", 23 pour "burma" en francais; 94 results for "burma" in English. Feb 2002
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Francais
Description: For "Burma": 179 Japanese titles, 578 English ones; "Myanmar": 57 and 201 each. (June 2003)
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Japanese, English
Description: 2246 "Burma", 32 "Myanmar" (Zshops - used); 208 "Burma" (new from Amazon) (February 2002) Zshops provide consolidated online sale of used and new books from participating bookshops.
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: For "Burma", 888 results in; 2620 results in Zshops -- consolidated online sale of used and new books from participating bookshops (February 2002)
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: 35 hits for "Burma OR Myanmar", most of which were abstracts of papers delivered at the AAAS meetings. Good for subscription forms for membership and publications, but no full-text documents on site so far as I could see (Alril 2008). $75 individual annual subscription for the online Bibliography of Asian Studies...Many dead links
Source/publisher: Association for Asian Studies
Date of entry/update: 2010-11-16
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: 582 titles for "Burma", 90 for "Myanmar". 1673 in used and out of print for "Burma", 83 for"Myanmar" (February 2002)
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: 394 Burma titles, Feb 2001 (The Keyword field has now disappeared, but you can search by title - Feb 2002)
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: With its Working Papers and Canberra Papers, SDSC has more or less cornered the market in analyses of Burma?s military. Studies by Andrew Selth, Des Ball and Maung Aung Myoe... The SDSC bookshop holds a full range of current SDSC publications in the Canberra Papers on Strategy and Defence series, SDSC Working Papers and a number of ?one-off? publications. [Full list here, with abstracts; many Burma-related papers]
Source/publisher: Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, ANU
Date of entry/update: 2010-12-10
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Borderline Women?s Collective, Gallery and Tea Garden, located in Mae Sot, Thailand began with three women?s organisations seeking to establish a shared marketing space for women from Burma and living along the Thai-Burma border to sell their hand made items. The women?s groups also hoped that by having a collectively managed market they would build their capacity for running income generation projects with the communities with which they work. In May 2004, the Borderline Women?s Collective opened... As of December 2017, the members of the Collective are: TBCAF (Tak Border Child Assistance Foundation); KWAT (Kachin Women?s Association of Thailand); LWO (Lahu Women?s Organisation); MWO (Mon Women?s Organisation); WDG (Women?s Development Group); CWG (Chin Women?s Group); CFSG (Community Forest Support Group);WDREC ( Women Development of the Rebuilding Environment and Community); Ying Yan Wan ( Shan Women Group).
Source/publisher: Borderline Women
Date of entry/update: 2008-05-04
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "A book documenting life inside Burma from 1987 through the recent historic transition by an award-winning photographer....I am asking for your help to self-publish a book. As some of you know, with changes in digital technology the publishing industry is going through a transformation, and publishers are reluctant to print books by even the most accomplished photographers. A professional team is in place. Editors/designers Natasha Chandani and Lana Cavar have begun working with me to produce a high-quality 192-page book of color photographs in a 7 x 9 1/2 inch format. Essays by prominent Burmese writer Dr. Ma Thida, a human rights activist and herself a former political prisoner, and also journalist Francis Wade will accompany the images to explain the context in Burma today. The book will be in print by April 2014. Please help to make this project a reality. Your donation will pay for the costs of producing and printing a beautiful book. Among the rewards are limited edition prints and a signed copy of the book..."
Creator/author: Geoffrey Hiller
Source/publisher: Geoffrey Hiller
Date of entry/update: 2013-09-23
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Maison d'edition a Geneve... Livres en francais sur la Birmanie... 7 résulats correspondent à votre recherche: 1. Birmanie, côté femmes; 2. Bouddha; 3. En Orient; 4. La Birmanie du Bouddha; 5. Les Territoires de l?Opium 6. Peuples du Triangle d?or; 7. Voyage en Birmanie.
Source/publisher: Editions Olizane
Date of entry/update: 2004-11-21
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Francais, French
Description: Myanmar catalogue.
Source/publisher: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Website)
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "Lives on the Line: Voices for Change from the Thailand-Burma Border, in English and Burmese. The book brings stories of Burma?s ethnic nationalities from diverse backgrounds to international audiences as well as into book shops inside the country. The stories in the book were collected by Burma Link through qualitative life story interviews between 2013 and 2015. The book features ten stories of refugees, women and youth activists, jungle medics, military leaders, and freedom fighters; a collection of the most inspiring, haunting, and incredible life stories that Burma Link has had the privilege to document and transform into written narratives..."......Book sales...
Source/publisher: Burmalink
Date of entry/update: 2016-03-16
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English, Burmese (မြန်မာဘာသာ)
Format : pdf
Size: 452.68 KB
Description: Lots of books, periodicals, CD-Roms etc.
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: This is an online book sale company in Singapore. The company sales English Books, Myanmar Books.
Source/publisher: PARAMI SERVICES Pte Ltd., (Singapore registered)
Date of entry/update: 2012-08-14
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English/Burmese
Description: "Orchid Press, established in Thailand in 1981 as White Orchid Press, is a small publishing house devoted to books related to Asia - books of general interest, scholarly texts, fiction, and poetry, both new works and reprints. Our policy is to keep books in print for a number of years. Books are sold through booksellers and directly to customers around the world..." 37 Burma titles (March 2002). Orchid Press is also currently actively seeking new manuscripts and other publishing projects related to Burma.
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: A search for "Burma" produced 406 titles (November 2004)... "Tamarind Books specializes in books about the Far East in general and Southeast Asia in particular. Our collection contains books on diverse subjects about Asian countries ranging from India to China. Tamarind Books' home page features links to our country catalogs which can be conveniently searched for books about Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Many of the books in our library are scholarly out-of-print and rare books, although we do offer books of general Asian interest, as well as new and unusual books about the Orient. Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance!"
Source/publisher: Tamarind Books
Date of entry/update: 2004-11-21
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "The Old Bookroom has a large general stock, of which the items listed here represent only a fraction. We specialise in out-of-print, antiquarian and secondhand books on Asia, Africa and the Middle East. We regularly issue lists on Asia, Africa and the Middle East which are available in email web and hard copy format. Our shopping cart on this site supports secure ordering." 99 Burma titles (February 2002)
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: List dated 1998
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Various documents in German and/or English on the Karen and other groups in Thailand and Burma, including "Change and identity in Pwo Karen communities in Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary, a 'Global Heritage' in Western Thailand".
Creator/author: Reiner Buergin
Source/publisher: Institute for Ethnology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Deutsch, German, English
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Individual Documents

Description: "A new book by the Karen Human Rights Group and edited by Claudio O. Delang, is now available at several online booksellers. The book reproduces three of KHRG?s 1999 reports to show the human rights situation in 3 Karen regions, each of them under a different degree of SPDC control. Together, they show that while tactics vary in nature and brutality between different regions, the end result in all three areas is the disintegration of village life. The reports are tied together by an introduction and summary background of Burma, and the book also contains many photos from KHRG?s archive in black and white..." Details of the online sales are on the site.
Claudio O. Delang (ed)
Source/publisher: Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG)
Date of entry/update: 2010-11-25
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Format : pdf
Size: 338.69 KB
Description: "...Jean-Pierre Grandjean a choisi d?axer cet ouvrage sur un aspect particuli?rement attachant ? bien que peu trait? ? de la Birmanie : le Bouddha, tel qu?il y est pr?sent et repr?sent?. Il a donc sillonn? le pays dans ses moindres recoins, nous faisant d?couvrir ici une t?te du Bouddha particuli?rement belle, l? un petit monast?re cach? dans une for?t ou ?rig? sur pilotis, plus loin encore une statue miraculeusement ?pargn?e dans un temple abandonn? ? la ruine. Au fil des pages, la force et la diversit? des images ainsi que la s?r?nit? qui en ?mane r?v?lent une Birmanie hors du temps, dans ses aspects les plus captivants et les plus surprenants..." Our books can be bought in any good bookshop. They can also be ordered directly at Olizane: [email protected].
Jean-Pierre Grandjean
Source/publisher: Editions Olizane
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Francais, French
Format : htm
Size: 18.28 KB
Description: "...Depuis de nombreuses ann?es, l?opposition ? la dictature militaire en Birmanie est incarn?e par Aung San Suu Kyi, prix Nobel de la Paix en 1991. Pourtant, de mani?re moins visible mais tout aussi d?termin?e, des millions de femmes birmanes luttent pour le droit d?exister dans la dignit?, au sein d?une soci?t? caract?ris?e par l?arbitraire d?un r?gime dirig? exclusivement par des hommes. L?auteur, famili?re de la Birmanie, leur donne ici la parole, qu?elles soient opposantes actives ? la junte, ?pouses-vicitimes ou femmes r?pudi?es. Elles d?crivent avec beaucoup d?humanit? les situations auxquelles elles sont confront?es ou les d?fis qu?elles doivent relever. Cumulant souvent seules la responsabilit? financi?re de la famille, l??ducation des enfants et les t?ches m?nag?res, elles peuvent ?tre soumises ? d?odieux chantages mettant en jeu leur honneur, quand il ne s?agit pas directement de viols ; le silence ou la fuite sont alors les seules alternatives? Cet ouvrage pr?sente ?galement la situation des nombreuses r?fugi?es appartenant ? des ethnies minoritaires qui ont d? fuir les exactions de la soldatesque birmane et survivent dans des camps sur la fronti?re birmano-tha?landaise..." Our books can be bought in any good bookshop. They can also be ordered directly at Olizane: [email protected].
Claude Delachet-Guillon
Source/publisher: Editions Olizane
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Francais, French
Format : htm
Size: 18.17 KB
Description: Book Announcement, Table of Contents and ordering information. "The Disorder in Order examines Burma?s history of ?regime entropy” following the March 1962 coup d?etat that ended the country?s brief experiment with parliamentary government. Implementing socialist economic policies in central Burma and a hard line against ethnic minority and communist insurgents in the Border Areas, Ne Win?s Army-State presided over the country?s fall from prosperity to Least Developed Nation status by 1987. The following year, a new martial law regime, the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC), brutally suppressed a nationwide movement for democracy that drew on the country?s colonial-era traditions of revolutionary nationalism. Although SLORC promoted an open economy, including foreign private investment, the second Army-State operates on the same assumptions as its predecessor: that government is synonymous with pacification, unquestioned central control and cultural homogenization. The author argues that while the post-1988 junta, renamed the State Peace and Development Council in 1997, claims a unique mission in defending national unity and social order, its policies generate political disunity and socio-economic disorder. Tragically, genuine order, the key to Burma?s development, remains out of reach as the 21st century dawns..." Bangkok: White Lotus, 2002). 403 pp. US$25.00.
Donald M. Seekins
Source/publisher: White Lotus
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Format : htm
Size: 9.85 KB
Local URL:
Description: "Quelles réalités économiques, politiques et militaires se cachent derrière les phénomènes de société que sont la production de drogues illicites dans les pays du Sud et leur consommation dans les pays industrialisés? Si l?opium est produit et consommé depuis la plus haute Antiquité, sa production à large échelle en Asie est, quant à elle, étroitement liée à la colonisation britannique d?abord et à la guerre froide par la suite. En effet, après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, les troupes nationalistes chinoises dans le Triangle d?Or et, plus récemment, les moudjahidins afghans puis les talibans dans le Croissant d?Or, ont eu recours à l?économie de l?opium pour financer leurs guerres, en bénéficiant de l?appui bienveillant de la CIA dans leurs luttes contre le communisme. Aujourd?hui, ces groupes, ayant perdu leurs motivations et apparences idéologiques, ont donné naissance à d?autres groupes, bien organisés et puissamment armés et qui, à travers leur rôle dans l?économie des drogues illicites, demeurent plus actifs que jamais. En Asie, l?opium, du nerf de la guerre en est devenu l?enjeu, avec ses multiples conséquences géopolitiques dans les pays du Sud et ses retombées sociales et économiques dans nos sociétés occidentales. En comparant l?Afghanistan et la Birmanie, à travers les deux espaces majeurs de production d?opium et d?héroïne que sont le Croissant d?Or et le Triangle d?Or, l?auteur a effectué un véritable travail d?investigation et d?analyse pour identifier les acteurs, localiser les réseaux, évaluer les enjeux géopolitiques et expliquer les logiques fondamentales d?une production qui alimente un marché aux profits vertigineux et aux implications mondiales..." Table des matieres, Introduction, cartes, Compte-rendus et critiques et liens a d?autres documents de l?auteur.
Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy
Source/publisher: Editions d
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Francais, French
Local URL:
Description: Conflits et trafics du Triangle d?Or et du Croissant d?Or. "Cet ouvrage restitue dans son contexte historique la longue ?mergence du trafic des opiac?s. Si l?opium est effectivement produit et consomm? depuis la plus haute Antiquit?, la culture intensive du pavot en Asie est, quant ? elle, ?troitement li?e ? la colonisation britannique d?abord, et ? la Guerre froide par la suite. En effet, apr?s la Deuxi?me Guerre mondiale, les troupes nationalistes chinoises dans le Triangle d?Or (Birmanie, Tha?lande, Laos) et, plus r?cemment, les moujahidins afghans, puis les talibans dans le Croissant d?Or (Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan), ont eu recours ? l??conomie de l?opium pour financer leurs guerres, b?n?ficiant alors, pour certains, de l?appui bienveillant de la CIA dans leur lutte contre le communisme..." Our books can be bought in any good bookshop. They can also be ordered directly at Olizane: [email protected].
Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy
Source/publisher: Editions Olizane
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Francais, French
Format : htm
Size: 19.96 KB
Description: Relation de l�Ambassade envoy�e � la cour d�Ava en 1795 publi� pratiquement simultan�ment en anglais, en fran�ais et en allemand en 1800. "L�auteur, le major Michael Symes, fut envoy� par le Gouverneur g�n�ral des Indes aupr�s de la cour birmane afin de r�gler des probl�mes de fronti�res sur la marge orientale de l�Empire britannique. Il pr�sente d�abord le contexte historique de l��poque, caract�ris� par la rivalit� franco-britannique dans l�oc�an Indien, avant de d�buter la narration du voyage proprement dit, qui a dur� plus de sept mois. Remontant l�Irraouaddy, Michael Symes assiste ou participe � la vie quotidienne des populations et d�crit avec beaucoup de pr�cisions le c�r�monial des cours o� il est re�u. Il a rapport� de son p�riple un r�cit tr�s vivant et merveilleusement document�..." Our books can be bought in any good bookshop." They can also be ordered directly from Olizane: [email protected].
Michael Symes
Source/publisher: Editions Olizane
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Francais, French
Format : htm
Size: 19 KB
Description: A PARAITRE (Octobre 2002). Yaa baa, "le m�dicament qui rend fou". En Tha�lande le surnom de la m�thamph�tamine sonne comme un avertissement, mais il n?a pas dissuad� des centaines de milliers de Tha�landais, jeunes pour la plupart, de s?y adonner avec plus ou moins de retenue. "Drogue de travail" ou "drogue de loisir", il s?agit d?un v�ritable ph�nom�ne de soci�t� qui n?est pas �tranger aux �volutions �conomiques et aux mutations culturelles qu?� connu le royaume au cours de ces derni�res d�cennies. Ce livre s?efforce de donner des explications � un engouement qui touche �galement d?autres pays de la r�gion. Il replace la consommation de m�thamph�tamine dans les logiques du narcotrafic dont les ressorts sont � rechercher aux marges orientales de la Birmanie, en plein c�ur du Triangle d?Or." Table des Matieres et INtroduction.
Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy et Jo�l Meissonnier
Source/publisher: IRASEC - L
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Francais, French
Local URL: