Wisdom and Grace: Asia bound: Hong Kong and Myanmar


"When you read this, I won’t be around. I am bound for Asia: Hong Kong and then onto Myanmar (Burma). It is probably the longest, scariest trip I have ever taken. If you are a praying person, please stop and say a prayer for me. It isn’t the first time I have been to Asia. In 1974, I was getting ready to graduate from Bible College when I was asked to join a mission team for the summer in Hong Kong. There were four girls and two guys on our team named “The Harbingers” (Messengers). One of the students was Wong Yan Wing who was in my graduating class. He was returning to his homeland and taking a team with him to lay a foundation for a new church work in Mei Foo Sun Chuen. Nearly all the schools in Hong Kong were operated by churches. They were thrilled to have a group of college students come and present a program consisting of music, drama and art. I was the “art” portion of the program and drew a picture of a rock wall surrounding a garden while Wing beautifully sang the hymn “In the Garden.” I may have done some drama, also. In Hong Kong they say or write the last name first and the first name last. So “Wong Yan Wing” was “Wing Wong” to us or just “Wing.” He used to say, “My father’s name is ‘Ling,’ my name is ‘Wing,’ I have a sister named ‘Ying’ and a brother named ‘Ming.’ So, when you call our house be sure you don’t ‘Wing’ the ‘Wong’ number!” Ha! I still think that’s funny..."


Ila McClenahan


"Havre Daily News" (USA)

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  • Individual Documents



Myanmar, Hong Kong



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    • Good