Tourism in Burma - critical

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Websites/Multiple Documents

Description: "New Frontiers", from 1999 to 2009 was replaced in 2010 by "Southeast Asia Tourism Monitor"..... "This section presents tourism articles in a developmental and environmental context, the bi-monthly bulletin Southeast Asia Tourism Monitor that monitors tourism development in Southeast Asia, as well as tourism-related statements and action alerts. It focuses on tourism issues affecting local communities and the natural environment and highlights voices who usually have little opportunity to influence policy-making structures."
Source/publisher: Tourism Investigation & Monitoring Team (T.I.M. Team)- Third World Network.
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Replaces "New Frontiers" (1999-2009) ..... "This bi-monthly newsletter takes a critical look at tourism policies and practices in Southeast Asia as well as in southern China. It particularly highlights people-centred perspectives aimed to advance civil rights, social and economic equity, cultural integrity, ecological sustainability and climate justice."
Source/publisher: Third World Network
Date of entry/update: 2015-08-05
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Basel-based activist tourism NGO. Took part in the campaign against "Visit Myanmar 1996 Year". Covers Burma. Most material in German. Very professional.
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Deutsch, some English.
Description: Kritisches Reiseportal, nicht gewinnorientiert, gibt unabhängige Informationen, Hintergrund über Reisen in Burma, Kennziffern, Energiebilanz, Links zu Nachrichten, Critical information about tourism, statistics, energy balance, background information, general news, non-profit
Creator/author: Arbeitskeis Tourismus und Entwicklung, Schweiz
Source/publisher: Fair Unterwegs
Date of entry/update: 2007-07-02
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Deutsch, German
Description: "The UK's leading resource for ethical and sustainable tourism"....Search Results in TC For "burma": Burma: Not Black and White - Burma: Not Black and White... Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on tourism to Burma - Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on tourism to Burma... What others say on tourism to Burma.... - What others say on tourism to Burma.... News - To go or not to go? Burma update... News - New petition demands Lonely Planet withdraws Burma guidebook... Burma - Burma... News - Burma and Lonely Planet: A personal look back... Displacement of People - Displacement of People... Sign our Burma Lonely Planet guidebook petition - Sign our Burma Lonely Planet guidebook petition... Burma and Tourism: Facts and Figures - Burma and Tourism: Facts and Figures... Add your Voice to Calls for Burma Tourism Boycott - Add your Voice to Calls for Burma Tourism Boycott... Campaign with us - Campaign with us... Tsunami of Tourism - Tsunami of Tourism... Campaigns - Campaigns... Displacement - Displacement... Working conditions - Working conditions... Past Campaigns - Past Campaigns... FAQs for Tourists - FAQs for Tourists... News - Burmese refugees trapped by tourism.
Source/publisher: Tourism Concern
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
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Individual Documents

Description: "Myanmar's Foreign Affairs Ministry Monday announced further extension of temporary entry restrictions for visitors from all countries until June 30. The extension will be applied to the ministry's previous announcements of precautionary measures which will expire on Monday night. The extension is done to continue effective response measures to protect the population of the country from the risks of importation and spread of COVID-19, the ministry's announcement said. The restrictions, of which effective period is extended, include entry restrictions of all incoming travellers, suspension period of all types of visas including social visit visas and visa exemption services. According to the announcement, foreign nationals including diplomats and the United Nations officials, who want to visit Myanmar for urgent official missions or compelling reasons, are asked to contact the Myanmar mission for possible exception for visa restrictions. Meanwhile, the effective period of suspension of operating all international commercial passenger flights at Yangon International Airport was also extended until the end of June, said a recent notice issued by Yangon Aerodrome Company Limited (YACL), operator of the airport..."
Source/publisher: "Xinhua" (China)
Date of entry/update: 2020-06-16
Type: Individual Documents
Local URL:
Description: "Myanmar’s popular actor and model, Paing Takhon, will act as a tourism ambassador to boost travel from Thailand to Myanmar. The appointment lasts one year, effective from 21 September, when the Myanmar Tourism Marketing Association together with the Myanmar Tourism Federation, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the actor. He will front promotions that capitalise on his popularity in Thailand where he is rapidly gaining popularity with a teenage fan base boosted by Thai Television channels and magazines. In August, he hosted his first event with Thai fans in Bangkok, and last week the Myanmar Tourism Marketing Association confirmed his appointment as the Myanmar Tourism Ambassador to promote inbound tourism from Thailand. Thailand tourist arrivals are the second largest after China. There are around 25 daily direct flights between Thailand (Bangkok and Chiang Mai) and Myanmar (Yangon, Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw). Commenting on the appointment, Myanmar Tourism Marketing chairperson May Myat Mon Win, said: “Targeting regional markets is a strong part of our strategy. Myanmar Tourism Marketing will continue to promote our core destinations as well as new destinations through roadshows, trade shows and media trips for journalists.” She added: “We are delighted to have Paing Takhon as Tourism Ambassador for Myanmar – he can promote Myanmar among young travellers Thailand. We also plan to introduce fabulous new destinations for Thai Market.” Myanmar Tourism Marketing (MTM) aims to promote Myanmar as a sustainable tourism destination that can be visited the whole year-round. It is part of the Myanmar Tourism Federation and is mainly privately funded by key members of the tourism industry in Myanmar..."
Source/publisher: "TTR WEEKLY" (Thailand)
Date of entry/update: 2019-09-24
Type: Individual Documents
Local URL:
Description: Abstract: "The aim of this thesis research is to explore the socio-­‐cultural changes due to tourism and how tourism related to local development. Tourism is one of the activities of human for pleasure. As more and more foreign tourists and domestic travelers have been visiting to Thaungthaman village?s tourist sites, impacts of tourism influence on the local business. The growth in tourism-­‐based industries, including sightseeing by boat, selling souvenirs and other local products to visitors has presented local residents with new options and alternative source of income. Besides, the financial returns from tourism activity are having an effect on the society. KII (Key informant interview), participant observation, FGI (Focus Group interview) were employed to get the data. As a result, this paper indicated that tourism is one of the opportunities to meet the peoples, who have not seen each other before, and to show and see the culture or places and to find the adventure.".....Paper delivered at the International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies: Burma/Myanmar in Transition: Connectivity, Changes and Challenges: University Academic Service Centre (UNISERV), Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 24-­26 July 2015.
Source/publisher: International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies: Burma/Myanmar in Transition: Connectivity, Changes and Challenges: University Academic Service Centre (UNISERV), Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 24-­26 July 2015
Date of entry/update: 2015-08-22
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Format : pdf
Size: 1.15 MB
Description: "The touristification of Myanmar has begun. The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism declared tourism the country?s ?national priority sector? in its Responsible Tourism Policy (RTP), released in September. In the same month, the Ministry had signed the Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam Tourism Cooperation (CLMV), which aims to welcome 25 million visitors in the region, with four million ?exchange visitors? in each country, over the period 2013-2015. Myanmar?s tourism infrastructure was already strained by half a million tourists in the first half of 2012, compared to almost 400,000 in 2011. Myanmar?s membership of CLMV is not only un-legislated and un-democratic but it also ignores ?value over volume? advice by the UNWTO. As the ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party is widely expected to be voted out in the 2015 elections, the CLMV is seen as the former generals? unscrupulous attempt to make hay while the sun shines..."
Ko Ko Thett
Source/publisher: "New Mandala"
Date of entry/update: 2012-11-25
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: "...When people come to the beaches of Chaung Tha and Ngwe Saung in Irrawaddy Division, they immediately feel their stress melt away. The warm sand, clear blue sky and bluish-green water bring relief to the weary souls of Burmese city dwellers and world travelers alike. But for many of the original residents of these famous resort areas, life here is anything but paradise. Although they once lived simple but comfortable lives as coconut growers, many local people now barely scrape by on what they can earn from wandering the beaches with food to sell to tourists. And even this income is often denied them by police and resort owners, who regard them as little more than a blight on the local tourism industry. Many foreign and local tourists flock to the beaches of Ngwe Saung and Chaung Tha from December to April. There are now 18 hotels in Ngwe Saung, 13 in Chaung Tha and another 25 bungalows waiting to accommodate visitors from near and far. Most have appeared in the past decade, after a land grab by the government cleared the way for cronies of Burma?s ruling junta to develop prime seaside properties. For beach vendors like Mya Mya, who carries trays of grilled seafood on her head all day long—her face covered with a thick layer of thanakha paste to protect her skin from the scorching sun—there is no forgetting that these beaches once belonged to her and others like her. ?We used to own these lands once,? she says, looking vacantly at the Ngwe Saung seashore Like many other people who lived in this area before property developers moved in and turned it into a upscale tourism hotspot, Mya Mya and her family lost their coconut plantation in 2000, when the government confiscated their land..."
Kyi Mai
Source/publisher: "The Irrawaddy"
Date of entry/update: 2010-01-16
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: Message from SWAN: Debate continues to rage about whether or not tourists should visit Burma and risk giving money and legitimacy to the Burmese military regime. We have fed into this debate by exposing atrocities such as sexual violence, torture and murder by the regime?s troops in areas of Shan State out of bounds for foreign visitors, and urging the denial of all forms of support for the regime while these abuses continue. However, we realize that little attention has been given to more subtle forms of repression by the regime in Shan State, particularly related to culture. Given that experiencing local ?culture” is a primary aim of tourists visiting Burma, we feel it is important to expose how Shan State culture, religion and history are being distorted and erased, and gradually replaced by the regime?s own homogenized and arti???? cially imposed ?Myanmar culture.” Most of this book deals with these aspects of culture which may be unknown to the average tourist. We have focused on Shan culture, but the process of repression is cultures in Shan State and other parts of Burma. We have also included photos of areas of great beauty in Shan State that are out of bounds to tourists, but which may soon be lost forever due to the regime?s development plans, funded by Thai and Chinese investors. Finally, we have included information about some of the prominent political prisoners from Central Burma languishing in remote Shan State prisons ? they will never be physically seen by tourists but their presence should be a constant reminder to us all of the cruel reality of repression in Shan State and the rest of Burma today.
Source/publisher: Shan Women?s Action Network (SWAN)
Date of entry/update: 2009-11-22
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: Where showing visitors around can get a well-meaning guide into big trouble...
Withaya Huanok
Source/publisher: "The Irrawaddy" Vol. 16, No. 10
Date of entry/update: 2008-11-14
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: Vigorous restrictions o?n international visitors make military-controlled Burma an uneasy road to travel...
Emma Larkin
Source/publisher: "The Irrawaddy" Vol. 15, No.2
Date of entry/update: 2008-07-26
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: Das Elend ist groß, die Menschen werden zu Zwangsarbeit vergattert und überall lauern Spione. Burma ist ein Staat voller Repression, Furcht - und voller Schönheit. Wie reist man in einem Land, in dem ein brutales Regime regiert? SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Redakteurin Antje Blinda war in Burma unterwegs.
Antje Blinda
Source/publisher: Spiegel Online
Date of entry/update: 2008-05-02
Type: Individual Documents
Language: German, Deutsch
Local URL:
Description: Im vergangenen Jahr beförderten die rund 30 Reiseveranstalter laut Schätzungen der Pacific Travel Association etwa 4?800 Schweizer Reisende nach Burma. Vor gut sechs Jahren, als der Schweizer Gewerkschaftsbund die Veranstalter aufgrund der flagranten Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Lande zum Rückzug aus Burma aufforderte, waren es etwa 20 Veranstalter, die rund 3?500 Reisende nach Burma schickten. Entgegen den Interpretationen in den Medien deuten die Zahlen darauf hin, dass weniger die Reisenden als die Reiseveranstalter resistent gegenüber Boykottaufrufen für Burmareisen sind. Tourismus-Statistiken; statistics on tourism; Swiss travel agencies in Burma;
Christine Plüss
Source/publisher: Arbeitskreis Tourismus & Entwicklung,
Date of entry/update: 2007-10-18
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Deutsch, German
Local URL:
Description: Der Boykottaufruf ist auf Grund der politischen Zustände im Land verständlich und legitim. Boykott wird hier als Instrument zur Änderung der politischen Situation aufgefasst. Die realen Erfolgschancen einer solchen Vorgangsweise wurden aber bislang (leider!) nicht nur nicht diskutiert, sondern scheinen auch fraglich: Der Wirtschaftssektor Tourismus ist zu unbedeutend, um tatsächlich wirtschaftlichen Druck auszuüben, zu stark ist die Einbindung Burmas in die ASEAN und die Kooperation mit Staaten wie Australien. Debate on tourism in Burma; controversial study trip of Austrian NGO "respect";
Christian Baumgartner
Source/publisher: Tourism Watch/EED
Date of entry/update: 2007-09-15
Type: Individual Documents
Language: German, Deutsch
Local URL:
Description: Zwei Farben, so spötteln Burmesen, dominieren die Fernsehbilder in ihrem Land: rot und grün. In der Tat zeigen die staatlich kontrollierten Nachrichten in monotoner Abfolge mit Vorliebe prominente Generäle (grün), wie sie buddhistischen Mönchen in ihren roten Roben Respekt erweisen und diese reich beschenken. Zwei Farben charakterisieren auch die kontroverse Diskussion über den Zustand des Landes: gold und rot. Kaum ein Werbeprospekt oder Reiseführer, in dem nicht das Image von Burma als das »Goldene Land« bemüht wird. Das buddhistische Land mit seinen goldenen Pagoden und pittoresken landschaftlichen Szenerien scheint wie von einer anderen Welt zu stammen und fasziniert daher wohl jeden, der sich mit ihm befasst. Rot hingegen sehen die Gegner des seit 40 Jahren regierenden Militärregimes, wenn es um die Schilderung der politischen Lage Burmas geht. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Tourismusboykott und der Frage, wie man einen nachhaltigen, armutsorientierten Tourismus gestalten kann. A discussion about tourism -boykott and forms of poverty-oriented tourism. Efficacy of sanctions.
Martin H.Petrich
Source/publisher: Südostasien Jg. 18, Nr. 1 - Asienhaus
Date of entry/update: 2003-09-01
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Deutsch, German
Local URL:
Description: [Ecotourism and forced labour] 2nd article. Lambi marine park and other ecological tourism projects are touted as sound development by the Burmese government. But they are being built on the back of multiple human rights and environmental abuses,
Win Htein
Source/publisher: "The Irrawaddy", Vol. 6, No. 4
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: "In the beginning of 2000 the Than Daung Gyi tourist project, which the SPDC had originally hoped to build for ?Visit Myanmar Year 1996", was revived... the military confiscated the land, including the tea, coffee and dogfruit crops of the villagers,relocated the villagers, and began construction on new buildings. They have also started digging the town road...Villagers in the Ker Weh area have been forced to clear the way for the bulldozers and to dig out any big stones. They are not paid for the work, nor are they given any food..."
Source/publisher: NCGUB Human Rights Documentation Unit: "Human Rights Yearbook Burma (Myanmar) 2000"
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Format : htm htm
Size: 3.83 KB 6.04 KB
Description: Camapign against AUA-Lauda Air. Mit Ausnahme der AUA - Lauda Air fliegt derzeit keine einzige europ�ische Fluggesellschaft von Europa nach Burma. Diese bedient seit 5. Nov. 2002 die Strecke Wien - Rangoon/Yangon und bereits etwas l�nger Italien (Milano) - Yangon. Deshalb wird ab nun die Boykottkampagne gegen die burmesische Milit�rdiktatur auf die AUA - Lauda Air ausgedehnt, da die Erl�se aus dem Tourismus direkt dem Erhalt der Milit�rdiktatur dienen. Ziel der Kampagne ist die Beendigung aller Fl�ge der AUA - Lauda Air nach Burma.
Burma Campaign Austria
Source/publisher: Asienhaus
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Deutsch, German
Local URL:
Description: Thai police raided a camp in Chiang Mai province in February, after a local businessman was accused of holding a group of "long-necked" Padaung women from Burma as tourist attractions.
Source/publisher: "The Irrawaddy", Vol. 6, No. 3
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: "A traveler?s journey offers a glimpse into the stark realities of the tourism industry in Burma...In Burma,... the ethical issues surrounding tourism run deeper than that of excessive consumption in the face of poverty while complicating simplistic trickle down theories of wealth transfer. Good portions of tourist dollars end up in the hands of the dictatorial government, and human rights abuses are often part and parcel of the regime?s preparations for tourists. While some proponents of tourism advocate that conscientious visitors avoid military owned establishments, this is not easy to do. Many of the hotels and restaurants in Burma, both large and small, are owned directly by the government, or are joint ventures with the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings, a military holding company, or high-ranking military officers..."
Mustafa Kemal
Source/publisher: "The Irrawaddy" Vol. 10, No. 9
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: keywords: tourism, visit Myanmar year, human rights violations, forced labour, foreign exchange transactions, economics, military regime. Burma-Reisen: boykottieren oder buchen? Unter dieser Fragestellung veröffentlichten die "blätter des iz3w" in der Ausgabe 252 zwei Artikel, die sich mit dem Aufruf einiger tourismuskritischer Organisationen in Europa und Nordamerika zum Reiseboykott gegen Burma auseinandersetzt. Die Kritiker wollen verhindern, so die Herausgeber, dass die dortige Diktatur ihren ramponierten Ruf durch den Tourismus aufbessern und mit den Einnahmen den Militärapparat stärken kann. Im Rahmen der Reihe »FernWeh« greifen sie deshalb die Frage nach Sinn und Unsinn eines Burmaboykotts auf. Hilft der Verzicht auf Reisen nach Burma der demokratischen Bewegung im Lande, oder kann im Gegenteil der Tourismus - zumindest auf Umwegen zu ihrer Stärkung beitragen? Dieser Artikel beleuchtet mögliche positive Effekte von Reisen nach Burma.
Hamish Keith, Deutsch von Caroline Willand
Source/publisher: Blaetter des iz3w, Nr. 252
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Deutsch
Local URL:
Description: Many Burmese have likened their country to a prison; but for foreign travelers, it?s more of a "fascist Disneyland". Neil Lawrence recounts some of his experiences in the "Golden Land" of Myanmar, where repression rules behind a facade of peace and stability. Travels in a ?fascist Disneyland? reveal tensions behind a facade of stability. by Neil Lawrence Two large circles appear on the tourist map of Rangoon: One, just north of the city?s downtown core, marks Shwedagon Pagoda, the spiritual center of Burmese Buddhism and the country?s most famous tourist attraction. The other, slightly larger, is tucked away in the upper-left-hand corner of the map, just west of Mingaladon International Airport. Not exactly a tourist attraction, its name has a sinister resonance that at once evokes the "other" Burma: Insein Prison..."
Neil Lawrence
Source/publisher: "The Irrawaddy", Vol. 9. No. 1
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: "...Despite the situation in Burma, a growing number of tour groups are planning tours capitalizing on SLORC?s "Visit Myanmar Year 1996". Some tour companies appear to have picked up on the SLORC?s promotions and are fervently promoting these tours. In the USA, one such tour company is: Thomas P. Gohagan and Company 224 South Michigan Ave., Suite 220 Chicago, Illinois 60604 Tel: (312) 922-3002 Gohagan has mainly been targetting University Alumni associations, getting them to offer tours to their members in the $5,000-7,000 range, centred around a cruise up the Irrawaddy River from Rangoon to Mandalay on the MV "Road to Mandalay". There are currently reports that Alumni Associations at Northwestern (Evanston, IL), Yale, Michigan (Ann Arbor), Indiana (Bloomington), University of Southern California, and many other Universities are currently promoting the tours to their Alumni (a full list would be useful if available). UCLA was also planning a tour, but cancelled it after being briefed on the situation in Burma. Gohagan is not only hitting Alumni Associations, but is also hitting groups interested in Art and Culture - the Chicago Art Institute is reportedly also planning a tour..."
Kevin Heppner
Source/publisher: Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG Articles & Papers)
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: Roads, Relocations, and the Campaign for Control in Toungoo District. Based on interviews and field reports from KHRG field researchers in this northern Karen district, looks at the phenomenon of ?Peace Villages? under SPDC control and ?Hiding Villages? in the hills; while the ?Hiding Villages? are being systematically destroyed and their villagers hunted and captured, the ?Peace Villages? face so many demands for forced labour and extortion that many ofthem are fleeing to the hills. Looks at forced labour road construction and its relation to increasing SPDC militarisation of the area, and also at the new tourism development project at Than Daung Gyi which involves large-scale land confiscation and forced labour. Keywords: Karen; KNU; KNLA; SPDC deserters; Sa Thon Lon activities; human minesweepers; human shields; reprisals against villagers; abuse of village heads; SPDC army units; military situation; forced relocation; strategic hamletting; relocation sites; internal displacement; IDPs; cross-border assistance; forced labour; torture; killings; extortion, economic oppression; looting; pillaging; burning of villages; destruction of crops and food stocks; forced labour on road projects; road building; restrictions on movment; lack of education and health services; tourism project; confiscation of land and forced labour for tourism project;landmines; malnutrition; starvation; SPDC Orders. ... ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: forced resettlement, forced relocation, forced movement, forced displacement, forced migration, forced to move, displaced
Source/publisher: Karen Human Rights Group Regional & Thematic Reports (KHRG #2000-05)
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: tourism, visit Myanmar year, human rights violations, forced labour, economics, military regime. Burma-Reisen: boykottieren oder buchen? Unter dieser Fragestellung veröffentlichten die "blätter des iz3w" in der Ausgabe 252 zwei Artikel, die sich mit dem Aufruf einiger tourismuskritischer Organisationen in Europa und Nordamerika zum Reiseboykott gegen Burma auseinandersetzt. Die Kritiker wollen verhindern, so die Herausgeber, dass die dortige Diktatur ihren ramponierten Ruf durch den Tourismus aufbessern und mit den Einnahmen den Militärapparat stärken kann. Im Rahmen der Reihe »FernWeh« greifen sie deshalb die Frage nach Sinn und Unsinn eines Burmaboykotts auf. Hilft der Verzicht auf Reisen nach Burma der demokratischen Bewegung im Lande, oder kann im Gegenteil der Tourismus - zumindest auf Umwegen zu ihrer Stärkung beitragen? Dieser Artikel erklärt, warum man jetzt noch nicht nach Burma reisen sollte.
Lara Marsh, Deutsch von Martine Backers und Agnieszka Zimowska
Source/publisher: Blaetter des iz3w, Nr. 252
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Deutsch
Local URL:
Description: "John Jackson of Burma Campaign [UK] recently met with Aung San Suu Kyi in Rangoon to discuss the NLD?s policies on tourism to Burma. The Irrawaddy spoke with him in Bangkok before his return to London, to find out what he learned from meeting the opposition leader and other Burmese around the country..."
Source/publisher: "The Irrawaddy" Vol. 7, No. 3
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL: