Muslim Minorities in Transitional Societies: Different Myanmar Muslim Groups? Different Experiences In Transition


Abstract: " Political and social liberalizations in Myanmar since 2011 have received wide acclaim especially from the international community. However, the experience on the part of Myanmar has not been a bed of roses. With the rise of anti-­Muslim sentiments and occurrence of violent sectarian conflicts in 2012 and 2013, the ?Myanmar Muslim minority? has caught the headlines and attention of both academic and policy circles in the international domain. It generally hholds true that Myanmar Muslims have experienced social suffering and an identity crisis as a community over the last three years. The issue of the Rohingya, who have suffered most, has understandably become the dominant topic in all the talks and writings on Myanmar Muslims in general. However, there are a few other Muslim minorities whose experiences in the transition have been different depending on their identity and dwelling place. This paper will highlight the experiences of two Muslim groups in Myanmar?ethnic Kamans and Mandalay an Muslims?who have also been affected by the rise of anti-­Muslim sentiments and violent/non-­violent conflicts and argue that their sufferings different from the Rohingya?s imply that there are Muslim minorities, not a Muslim minority, in Myanmar.".....Paper delivered at the International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies: Burma/Myanmar in Transition: Connectivity, Changes and Challenges: University Academic Service Centre (UNISERV), Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 24-­26 July 2015.


Nyi Nyi Kyaw


International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies: Burma/Myanmar in Transition: Connectivity, Changes and Challenges: University Academic Service Centre (UNISERV), Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 24-­26 July 2015

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