Investor interest in Myanmar garment sector still strong despite lower exports


Foreign investor interest in the garment manufacturing sector is still strong despite a fall in the volume of garment exports in fiscal 2019-20, according to the government.


"Of the 178 foreign enterprises endorsed by the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) and permitted to invest in Myanmar between October 1 and May 31, more than three quarters channeled capital into the manufacturing sector, according to the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA). The data showed that the new investors include garment manufacturers. The MIC will prioritise investments in garment manufacturing going forward as these are labour intensive industries likely to create a large number of jobs, Director General of DICA U Thant Sin Lwin told state media. Manufacturers that are able to produce face masks and other personal protective equipment related to COVID-19 will also be given priority. Enquiries from investors are still flowing in even though garment exports fell to just US$2.7 billion between October 1, 2019 and May 31, representing a $24 million decline from the same period a year before due to order cancellations from the EU as a result of COVID-19, according to U Khin Maung Lwin, assistant secretary of the Ministry of Commerce. This has also led to a rising number of disputes between employers and their employees as factories are forced to lay off or close. The industry hires up to 700,000 predominantly female workers across 600 factories, according to data provided by the EU. Disruptions to the Myanmar garment sector first started in February, when raw material imports from China became sporadic as a result of COVID-19 closures and lockdowns. Things got worse after the coronavirus was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation on March 11, with order delays and cancellations from major export countries like the EU becoming more frequent..."


Chan Mya Htwe


"Myanmar Times" (Myanmar)

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