"The Myanmar Times" June 20 - 26, 2011, Volume 29, No. 580


LOCAL NEWS: Election tribunal clears NDF politician; Vendors belong in markets, says YCDC; Buddhist ethics classes look to negate effects of globalisation; Meteorologist?s name used in 2012 doomsday prophecy flyer; ?I?m sure I would have won?; Mandalay government launches low-interest farm loan program; Legalise rural credit schemes, urges Zaw Zaw; Final arguments expected at June 21 court hearing; Sitagu opens Yangon academy; Strong rainfall a boon for farmers; Dawei project to displace 10,000, says developer; Government reveals plan to expand Yangon International Airport; Quietly, a global heavyweight enters the arena; Blind students recognised for ?remarkable? 2011 exam results; China doctors conclude eye care project; Sri Lanka returns ?missing? fishermen; YCDC launches city-wide cleaning project; Horse riding training for tour guides set to begin...BUSINESS & PROPERTY: Vietnam steps up investment; MIDB to offer loans at 15 percent to capitalise SMEs; Tourism operators stung by rising kyat; Strong kyat hits workers abroad; Unstable currency a side issue: investors; Kyat?s all folks: landowners ditch the dollar for pricing; Outskirt townships gain momentum; Apartment owners, real estate agents slam illegal sales taxes...TIMEOUT: Golden letter from a Myanmar king; Artist takes fresh look at ancient Myanmar folktales; MMA sets up library of songs...INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Sun-powered plane?s second cross-border flight cut short; While consoles do battle at E3, mobiles games quietly invade; US bankrolls ?shadow? internet: report......N.B. SINCE THIS ISSUE HAS NO INDEX PAGE, NAVIGATE FROM "LOCAL NEWS" TO THE OTHER SECTIONS


Myanmar Consolidated Media Co. Ltd

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