Myanmar: Monsoon Floods Emergency Plan of Action Operation Update n° 1 DREF n° MDMM012


"As of this reporting period, Myanmar Red Cross (MRCS) has reached more than 62,000 people through more than 680 volunteers with different services including dissemination of early warning early action messages, assisting in the evacuation process, managing evacuation sites, rapid needs assessment, provision of first aid services and psychosocial support. MRCS is recognised as one of the main first responders to floods and landslides, and the key actor in coordination with local authorities aiming to reach remote areas. Access of MRCS staff and volunteers to areas submerged in flood waters have been supported through the provision of boats. MRCS has provided direct assistance in the form of emergency cash amounting to a total of CHF27,000 (MMK41,440,000) to more than 4,000 people in Kachin and Mon states; and household items to more than 22,000 people in various states and regions. These were supported through utilizing existing stocks, the MRCS Emergency Management Fund (EMF), local donors, and the private sector. In addition to the EMF, the MRCS has mobilized additional resources to support the operations through the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF), bilateral support from PNS, and donations from the private sector and local donors. MRCS Emergency Operation Centres (EOC) in Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon have been alert, continuously monitoring and disseminating early warning information, and gathering data on needs and response activities from branches. While full activation of MRCS SOPs was not done, cross-departmental coordination was initiated at the start of the operation through weekly update meetings starting 23 August 2019. Key department representatives from Disaster Management (DM), Health, First Aid and Safety Services (FASS), and WASH Unit were also involved in facilitating the MRCS Response Operation Planning meeting. Overview of Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in country IFRC has provided support to the MRCS in developing an overall Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) which encompasses the support from the DREF, other PNS such as the Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) and the German Red Cross (GRC), private sector and local donors. This aims to ensure a comprehensive and coordinate approach on the Floods Operations led by the National Society. The DREF allocation is complemented with the support from the TRC on replenishment of household items and procurement of boats, and the GRC on trainings, provision of personal protective equipment (PPEs) for staff and volunteers, and the procurement of boats. Technical support on the development and update of the EPoA, planning on rapid assessment, and coordination were provided by the American Red Cross and the Finnish Red Cross. MRCS has conducted two (2) coordination meetings to share response operation updates and the EPoA with the participation of Movement Partners and weekly update meetings starting 23 August 2019 with MRCS key departments as part of the Emergency Task Force. With the support from IFRC, MRCS has developed the Procurement Plan and initiated the recruitment process for HR support under the DREF. MRCS organized a Response Operation Planning meeting on 6 September 2019 with the participation of key departments and representatives from the state/region and township branches. MRCS, with the support of IFRC, conducted a Communications field visit in Mon and Tanintharyi from 11 – 14 September 2019 to develop communications materials from interviews with communities and branch staff and volunteers involved in the operations. On 22 August 2019, the IFRC released CHF 299,975 from the DREF to support MRCS respond to the escalating situation, after their own capacity and resources was exceeded. The major donors and partners of the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) include the Red Cross Societies and governments of Belgium, Britain, Canada, Denmark, German, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Norway, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland, as well as DG ECHO and Blizzard Entertainment, Mondelez International Foundation, and Fortive Corporation and other corporate and private donors. The IFRC, on behalf of the national society, would like to extend thanks to all for their generous contributions..."


International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies via Reliefweb

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