ifda dossier 14 (December 1979)


INTRODUCTORY NOTE..... MATÉRIAUX / BUILDING BLOCK: Pour une stratégie globale de la culture et de là communication (Joseph Ki-Zerbo)... From Suez to Panama (Anila Graham)... Fisheries in Asia - People, problems and recommendations (PARC)... Small fishermen in ASEAN countries (Institut Masyarakat)... Debt and development (Juan C. Sanchez Arnau)... Demain aujourd?hui: Expérimentations sociales et changements de styles de vie (Michel Schiray et Silvia Siga1)... Où en est l?animation féminine en Afrique? (AFARD)... Sri Lanka: A national dialogue on development (Godfrey Gunatilleke)..... MARKINGS: A basic need in Asia: Innovative approaches to development (ESCAP)..... INTERACTIONS: Fund-Bank: The emperor has no clothes (Chakravarthi Raghavan)... Western innovative capacity is the latest form of domination (Salah Al-Shaikhly)... The World Bank?s 1979 World Development Report (Reginald H. Green)... Reactions to a previous Dossier: Excerpts from a letter (from Gordon Hoke)... Let me speak (Domitila Barrios de Chungara, with Moema Viezzer)... America as a developing country (Richard Falk, ed.)... The corporate crime of the century (Jill Severn)... Latin America: Collective Self-Reliance and international purchasing power (ILET)..... FOOTNOTES / NOTES..... Contributions to the IFDA Dossier are presented under the sole responsibility of their authors. They ape not covered by any copyright. They may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permissions of the authors or IFDA. In case of reprint3 acknowledgement of source and receipt of a copy would be appreciated. IFDA Dossier is published monthly.


Marc Nerfin (editor)


international foundation for development alternatives (IFDA)

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