Flora of Burma/Myanmar

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Description: "Tree nurseries give us the way to grow lots of the kinds of trees that make the forests, as well as our farmlands and gardens, rich with useful plant species again. Valuable hardwoods for building or furniture, fast growing trees for firewood and rebuilding soil fertility, fruit trees for delicious food and income generation, and plants like rattan and bamboo for weaving, tool-making and countless other uses..."
Source/publisher: KESAN
Date of entry/update: 2018-11-05
Type: Individual Documents
Format : pdf
Size: 3.73 MB
Description: "This Karen language report details women-lead orchid research lead by the indigenous Karen women in the community with assistance from KESAN?s women research group. The research was conducted in two community forests, Kheshorter and Thawthee Pwawghaw, in the Salween Peace Park. By using their indigenous knowledge, the women research group documented 121 species of orchids from 37 families, with 77.5% of the species that are prohibited species on international trade. This report aims to increase the Karen peoples? knowledge of various type of orchids that inhabit in both their community and other areas, and increase environmental and cultural knowledge among the Karen community, such as basic good governance for environment, forest, ancestral land, livelihood, culture and self determination. Finally, this report also aims to encourage more community based biodiversity and cultural research. Hard copies are available with small price. This is to support the women researchers to continue with more biodiversity research in their community. Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] to get the hard copies. You can also make a small donation to support the women research project..."
Source/publisher: Kesan
Date of entry/update: 2018-10-29
Type: Individual Documents
Local URL:
Description: 65pages in category "Flora of Burma".
Source/publisher: Wikipedia
Date of entry/update: 2010-09-20
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: Burma, with rainfalls in its various districts of 20 to 225 inches from June to October and with habitats from sea level up to 18,000 feet, has a very rich fern flora. The country is so located that many fern of both the China-Himalayan and the Malayan regions occur in the country. This article, originally published in the Ohio State Journal of Science in May 1946, catalogues over 400 different ferns belonging 104 genera discovered in the period up to the Second World War. The writer, Frederick Garrett Dickason, personally collected over 325 kinds of ferns in various parts of Burma which were on display in the Herbarium of Judson College in Rangoon where he taught for many years. A useful map accompanies the article.
Frederik Garrett Dickason
Source/publisher: Ohio State University and The Ohio Academy of Science
Date of entry/update: 2006-06-27
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Format : pdf
Size: 2.32 MB
Local URL:
Description: Major Category: Natural Resources Management Sub Category: biodiversity/protected areas conservation sector policies/programmes---BACKGROUND: Country profile; Biodiversity--- BIODIVERSITY POLICY--- BIODIVERSITY LEGISLATION: State law; International conventions--- CATEGORIES OF PROTECTED AREAS--- INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS: State management; NGO and donor involvement; Private sector involvement--- INVENTORY OF PROTECTED AREAS--- CONSERVATION COVER BY PROTECTED AREAS--- AREAS OF MAJOR BIODIVERSITY SIGNIFICANCE--- TOURISM IN PROTECTED AREAS--- COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION--- GENDER--- CROSS BOUNDARY ISSUES: Internal boundaries; International borders; Cross border trade--- MAJOR PROBLEMS AND ISSUES
Clarke, J.E.
Source/publisher: Regional Environmental Technical Assistance 5771 - Poverty Reduction & Environmental Management in Remote Greater Mekong ubregion (GMS) Watersheds Project (Phase I)
Date of entry/update: 2003-08-18
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Format : pdf
Size: 101.64 KB