The Human Rights of Stateless Rohingya in Thailand


"...As Thailand continues in its endeavour to strike the right balance between protecting vulnerable migrants and effectively controlling its porous borders, this repo rt provides an insight into the human rights situation of both the long -­‐ staying and recently arrived Roh ingya population in the country . Though there are not as many Rohingya in Thailand as there are in some o ther countries in the region, Thailand has assu med an important geopolitical position in the regional picture of Rohingya displacement and insecurity. Thailand has the strongest human rights treaty ratification record amongst th os e countries with significant Rohingya populations. Furthermore, many of i ts domestic law and policy initiatives would strengthen protection for the Rohingya, if implemented in an effective and non -­‐ discriminatory manner. If Thailand does act on the recommendations below, it will become a safer, more attractive destination for Rohingya refugees. Concerns that this will result in an unmanageable increase in new arrivals are legitimate and must be addressed. There is a danger t hat any country which ? in isolation ? strengthens its protection framework will be disproportionately burdened. While strengthening protection may bring new challenges, continuing to fail to do so also comes at a cost , and is damaging and unsustainable. T he individual human cost is documented by this report. Other national and regional costs include damage to stability, international relations and reputation. The present regional stalemate ? of no country taking decisive protection action -­‐ only serves to worsen the situation over the long -­‐ term. Thailand is well placed to break this stalemate by championing a rights -­‐ based response to the Rohingya issue and encouraging other states to do so..." .


Equal Rights Trust

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