Stateless People (UNHCR page)


" Searching for Citizenship Nationality is a legal bond between a state and an individual, and statelessness refers to the condition of an individual who is not considered as a national by any state. Although stateless people may sometimes also be refugees, the two categories are distinct and both groups are of concern to UNHCR. Statelessness occurs for a variety of reasons including discrimination against minority groups in nationality legislation, failure to include all residents in the body of citizens when a state becomes independent (state succession) and conflicts of laws between states....." What is Statelessness?_ An explanation of the two kinds of statelessness: de jure and de facto..... Who is Stateless and Where?_ There are an estimated 12 million stateless people in dozens of countries around the world..... UNHCR Actions_ UNHCR works in four key ways: identification, protection, prevention and reduction..... Working with Partners_ We work with governments, civil society and aid organizations to address statelessness. This page contains Documents and Publications on Statelessness including Statelessness in the News, Documents on Statelessness laws, commentaries, historical documents, UNHCR?s role in relation to statelessness and a useful link to Statelessness Documents on Refworld site.



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