Shan Advisor Ponders Burma?s ?Top-Down System? After Swiss Exposure Trip


"Burma?s transition is an example of top-down reform and differs from Switzerland?s bottom-up federalism, said a senior member of a Shan delegation that recently returned from an exposure trip to Switzerland. Khuensai Jaiyen, a long-time advisor to the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), the political wing of the Shan State Army-South (SSA-S), told The Irrawaddy that he and his fellows were invited to study democratic systems and federalism in Switzerland by the country?s Foreign Ministry. The visit lasted from January 16-25 and was arranged by the Swiss Embassy in Rangoon. ?Their democratic system is not controlled by the top [central government]; it is a bottom-up system. They have a power sharing system among three main governing bodies. Individuals have authority,” said Jaiyen of Switzerland?s system of autonomous cantons and communes. The Swiss constitution grants a central authority but also protects the right to self-government on local issues. ?What is happening in our country is a top-down system,” he said of Burma. ?Financial institutions are controlled by the top. The public is not allowed to participate [in politics].” Jaiyen also found it noteworthy that the Swiss government holds referendums before spending funds from the national budget and then adheres to decisions made by the people..."


Saw Yan Naing


"The Irrawaddy"

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