Myanmars Net


Big site. Lots of docs and links. Arts: Puppets, Musical Instruments, Poetry & Literature, Museum Items.. Business: Matchmaker, Tourism Statistics, ASEAN Comparison.. Beliefs/Culture: Superstitions, Pagoda, Strange Buddhas, Mythical Creatures, Birth Signs.. Exhibits: Photo Exhibition, Money Museum, Myanmar Stamps, Myanmar National Costumes.. History: Timeline, Rulers, Heroes, Prehistoric Caves, Pondaung man, 4 million Pagodas.. Language: Myanmar Alphabets, Script, Sorting, Myanmar Proverbs, Zero, Useful pharases.. Maps: Myanmar, Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan, Taunggyi, Innlay, Mrauk Oo.. Myanmar: Internet, Golden Land?, Myanmar vs. Burma, Flags, Comparison, City names.. People: Fashion, Costumes, Recipes, Restaurants, Architecture, Games, Traditional Medicine.. Software: Font Gallery, Keyboard- Layout, How to Type.. Travel: Free Tour info, Shwe Dagon, Largest Bell, Padaungs, Tourism Statistics.. Wonders: World?s Largest Book, World?s Greatest Wonders, Firsts, Superlatives of Myanmar.. Yellowpages, Whitepages, Bluepages, Myanmar Web Sites, FREE Email, The Myanmar Classified(c), Myanmar Tourism News(c), Chat, Personal Ads, News, Postcards, Guestbook, Tell a friend. Long list of tourism and other commercial websites and homepages (homepages inaccessible, August 2001).

Date of entry: 



  • Websites/Multiple Documents




