Memoir of Ann H. Judson: Missionary to Burmah


CHAPTER I.Mrs. Judson?s Birth,Education, and Conversion... CHAPTER IT.Mrs. Judson?s Connexion with Mr. Judson,... CHAPTER III Embarkation -- Voyage -- Arrival in Calcutta... CHAPTER IV.Difficulties with the Bengal Government -- Mr. and Mrs. Judson and Mr. Riee, become Baptists... CHAPTER V.Mr. and Mrs. Judson and Mr. Rice sail for the Isle of France -- Mrs. Newell?s Death -- Mr. Rice sails for America -- Mr. and Mrs. J. sail for Madras -- Arrival at Rangoon,... CHAPTER VI.Sketch of the Geography, History, Religion, Language, &tc. of the Burman Empire,... CHAPTER VII.Establishment of the Mission at Rangoon,... CHAPTER VIII .Letters of Mrs. Judson -- Birth aad Death of a Son -- Arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Hough,... CHAPTER IX -- Mr. Judson?s Visit to Chittagong -- Persecution of Mr. Hough and his Departure for Bengal -- Return of Mr. Judson -- Arrival of Messrs. Colman and Wheelock,... CHAPTER X.-- Mr. Judson commences Preaching -- First Convert baptized -- Death of Mr. Wheelock,. . CHAPTER XI.-- Visit to Ava -- Unsuccessful Interview with the King... . CHAPTER XII.-- Arrival in Calcutta -- Return to Rangoon -- Dr. Price joins the Mission -- Mrs. Judson sails for America, CHAPTER XIII-- Mrs. Judson?s Visit to America -- Mr. Wade joins the Mission -- Sail for Calcutta,... CHAPTER XIV.-- Messrs. Judson and Price visit Ava -- Mrs. Judson and Mr and Mrs. Wade arrive at Rangoon,... CHAPTER XV.-- Mr and Mrs. Judson visit Ava -- War with the British,... CHAPTER XVI.-- Account of the Scenes at Ava during the War,... CHAPTER XVII.-- Narrative continued -- Removal of the Prisoners to Oung-pen-la -- Mrs. Judson follows them -- Release of the Prisoners,... CHAPTER XVIII-- Removal to Amherst -- Mrs. Judson?s Death -- Epitaph -- Obituary Lines -- Address to the Ladies of America....N.B. GOOGLE NOTE, PAGES AND COVERS PRECEEDING TITLE PAGE HAVE BEEN MOVED TO THE END OF THE TEXT. FOR ORIGINAL ORDER, SEE THE ALTERNATE URL.


James Davis Knowles


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