Japan provides funding for four infrastructure projects


Japan announced yesterday that it is providing loans totalling ¥120.9 billion (US$1.1 billion) to Myanmar for four infrastructure projects.


"Japanese Ambassador to Myanmar Ichiro Maruyama and Myanmar’s Deputy Minister for Planning, Finance and Industry U Maung Maung Win signed agreements for the loans in Nay Pyi Taw on Tuesday. The projects that the loans will be used for are the Yangon sewerage system development, urban development for the reduction of traffic congestion and the damage caused by flooding in Yangon, power distribution improvement in Yangon and Mandalay, and regional infrastructure improvement in Chin, Rakhine, Mon, Kayin, and Tanintharyi. The ¥45.9 billion sewerage system development project in Yangon will provide funds to renovate and expand waste water treatment plants, to construct sewer pipes and to improve the living environment of local residents in the central business district of Yangon, where about 10 percent of Myanmar›s population reside. Currently, most of human waste, domestic wastewater and wastewater from businesses flows into rivers untreated, causing water quality deterioration. By implementing this project, the capacity to treat wastewater will be increased up to about seven times by 2030 (two years after project completion), and the amount of wastewater treatment is expected to be about 130 times the current amount. Estimated to cost ¥24 billion, the project to reduce of traffic congestion and the damage caused by floods in Yangon will involve work to improve drainage, take measures against traffic congestion at level crossings on main roads and upgrading of the Yangon Circular Railway Road..."


"Myanmar Times" (Myanmar)

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Myanmar, Japan



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