ifda dossier 8 (June 1979)


INTRODUCTORY NOTE..... BUILDING BLOCKS / LADRILLOS: Estrategia internacional del desarrollo y comunicación: Perspectivas para los años 80 (I LET); The functioning of the international mass media (András Biró)... Financing the development of science and technology in the Third World (Francisco R. Sagasti)... Changing the position of an underdeveloped country: The case of Jamaica (Byron Blake and Kenneth Hall); Jamaican foreign policy: Interaction from an IFDA islander (Michael Zammit-Cutajar)... An integrated programme for finance and aid (Graham Bird)..... MARKINGS: Societal framework for economic development (Moinnudin Baqai)..... INTERACTIONS: The development policy of the Federal Republic of Germany and the concept of another development (Uwe Holtz)... Grassroot initiatives for the welfare of "last men" (Shri Sanat Mehta)... Recherche scientifique et développement économique (Mahdi Elmanjra)... Otro desarrollo e el tercer sector (Henry Pease Garcia)... A Communist alternative for Eastern Europe? (Ignacy Sachs)... Social development and the International Development Strategy (UNRISD)... INDEX OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN IFDA DOSSIERS 1 TO 8..... FOOTNOTES..... "Contributions to the IFDA Dossier are presented under the sole responsibility of their authors. They are not covered by any copyright. They may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission of the authors or IFDA. In case of reprint, acknowledgement of source and receipt of a copy would be appreciated."


Marc Nerfin (editor)


international foundation for development alternatives (IFDA)

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