ifda dossier 20 (November/December 1980)


INTRODUCTORY NOTE..... BUILDING BLOCKS / MATÉRIAUX: The winds of change - from an information embargo to a national survey of information needs and resources in Egypt (Ossama A. El-Kholy)... Science and technology in India: An alternate perspective (K. Seetharam, V. Shiva and J. Bandyopadhyay)... Quelle industrialisation pour le Tiers Monde? (Abdel 1atif Benachenhou)... Conséquences sociales de l?industrialisation dans les pays du Tiers Monde (Pierre Judet)... Industrial restructuring and development cooperation in the Netherlands (Ben Evers)... Reorienting jute policy in Bangladesh (Qazi K. Ahmad)... Strategies for the future of Africa... Human rights: Bases for a new system of safeguard (Alvaro Bunster)..... INTERACTIONS: Vers un développement participé en milieu urbain (Ben Mahdi Cissé)... Le mouvement de base (Jac de Bruyn et Roger Jacobs)... Les femmes civilisatrices (Diana Senghor)... Les femmes et les jeunes filles de M?Harza (Tunisie centrale) face au changement (A. Ben Choura)... Pugwash and the third system (Kwee Swan-Liat)... The value of energy decisions (Laszlo Bodnar)... Pesticide dumping progress report... Aid that doesn?t (Frances Moore Lappé, Joseph Collins and David Kinley)... The lesson from OPEC... A letter from the association of work cooperatives of New South Wales (Australia)... International engineering ethics project ... Méditerranée: Vision, drame, espoir (Mahdi Elmandjra)..... MATERIALS RECEIVED.....FOOTNOTES / NOTES / NOTAS


Marc Nerfin (editor)


international foundation for development alternatives (IFDA)

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