Household Amenities in Myanmar 2014 - 2019: A MIMU Analytical Brief, May 2022


"MIMU Analytical Briefs shine a light on topical, emerging and under-explored issues relevant to humanitarian and development support in Myanmar based on analysis of available information. Each Brief includes a short narrative document and accompanying infographic as well as the dataset, methodology and an interactive dashboard to enable others to take this analysis further This Analytical Brief focuses on the situation of household amenities in Myanmar based on the review of data from nationwide surveys over the five-year period from 2014 to 2019. As household amenities affect human health, productivity, and overall quality of life, this reveals some important developments in households' living situation. Summary ƒ Whereas a million more people were in paid/for profit employment nationwide by 2019, women continued to be less likely to be employed than men, and rural households were earning significantly less than those in urban areas. While ownership of mobile phones and home internet grew massively, a million households – mainly in rural areas - owned no communications devices at all as of late 2019. ƒ Despite considerable improvements in shelter and access to electricity for many Myanmar households, a third of the country’s households were still living in bamboo houses or short-term huts as of 2019. Myanmar’s electrification rate was the lowest in South East Asia with as many as 30 million people still not connected to the main power grid in 2019, and around 6.7 million households were dependent on solid cooking fuels, presenting additional health risks for women and children in particular. ƒ Although more households had access to safer drinking water from improved sources, over 2 million households were still using unimproved water sources in 2019, mainly in rural areas, with the highest reliance on unimproved water sources in Rakhine and Ayeyarwady. ƒ The use of improved sanitation also improved. However, 2 million people countrywide were still dependent on unimproved sanitation facilities, and a further 3 million people were practicing open defecation which brings particular risks to health, equity, dignity and safety, especially for women and girls..."


Myanmar Information Management Unit (Myanmar) via "Reliefweb" (New York)

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