Control of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Myanmar: Public Health Issues


Abstract: "Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is considered an important health problem in Myanmar as surveys carried out among different population groups revealed HBsAg carrier rate of 10-12%. Health authorities have taken various steps to reduce the incidence of hepatitis B and hepatitis B-associated chronic liver disease in Myanmar. In that context, interruption of its route of transmission and immunization of the susceptible host are the two main approaches. Research studies indicate that the vertical route of transmission might be the commonest route in Myanmar, although the possibility of horizontal transmission through sharing of razors and toothbrushes, or local customs leading to iatrogenic transmission of HBV infection could exist. In view of that, public education on transmission of HBV and means of interrupting it should be carried out especially focusing on specific high-risk groups. Moreover, to interrupt mother-to-infant transmission of HBV infection, hepatitis B vaccination should be promoted. As Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI) is a successful public health measure in Myanmar, incorporation of hepatitis B vaccine into the EPI programme will eventually lead to the control of hepatitis B infection in Myanmar."


Myo Khin


World Health Organisation -- Regional Health Forum WHO South-East Asia Region (Volume 6, Number 2)

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