Burma/Myanmar Day: Keynote Speech


Burma/Myanmar Day: Brussels, 5 April 2005... "National Reconciliation and Foreign Assistance ? The Future of The People Is Our Challenge" by Mr Hervé Jouanjean, Deputy Director General (External Relations) European Commission..."...The overall political picture shows a government, which for decades has isolated itself and the country. In its desire to convey its criticism, the international community has compounded that isolation. The population has been the permanent victim of the situation. At the same time, Burma/Myanmar enjoys fairly stable political and economic relationships in the immediate neighbourhood in particular with China and India. This helps the military regime to resist the consequences of economic sanctions. ASEAN has been - at least in public diplomacy ? a faithful supporter of a soft approach towards Burma/Myanmar. More recently though, old members of ASEAN are becoming more critical notably with the prospect of Burma/Myanmar taking over the chair of the organisation in 2006. While welcoming this new attitude of some ASEAN members, we do not know to what extent ASEAN is prepared to challenge its own unity on the Burmese question and how effective ASEAN pressure on the military regime can be if Burma/Myanmar continues to enjoy the comfort zone provided by China and India...There has been quite some discussion about this report; let me underline that the Commission requested and financed this report - but the report?s conclusions and recommendations are the authors? own and should be seen as an input to an on-going debate..."


Mr Hervé Jouanjean


European Commission

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