

Developments concerning the question of the observance by the Government of
Myanmar of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29)

Conclusions of the Chairman

    The Governing Body has examined the various documents before it within the framework of the follow up to the conclusions it adopted by consensus at its last session.

    As regards the question of an ILO representation in Myanmar, it welcomes the Understanding between the Office and the Government for the appoointment by June 2002 of a Liason Officer in Myanmar. The terms of this Understanding appear to be acceptable, subject to the comments and clarifications made during the debate, and it is of course understood that this first step must develop into a full and effective ILO representation in order to achieve the objective stated in the Understanding.

    As regards the Ombudsman intitution, the Governing Body has taken note of the positions expressed by its members. It considers that the potential this formula has to achieve the objective referred to above deserves further examination; it requests the Office to pursue the dialogue and provide to the authorities all information or assistance that they may need in this regard.

    As concerns the allegations concerning the seven victims in Shan State, the Governing Body acknowledges the efforts made by the autorities to shed light on this particularly disturbing case. It notes, however, that these efforts have not definitely closed the debate. It hopes that in order to dispel all doubts or questions that might remain, the authorities will of their own volition wish to follow up on the proposal formulated during the discussion, whereby the enquiries would be confirmed by an external, independent authority acceptable to all parties.

    The Governing Body also had before it a proposal from the ASEAN member States recommending that an item concerning Myanmar be placed on the agenda of the International Labour Conference to review with a view to removing any measures adopted under Article 33 of the Constitution of the ILO. However, the unanimity required by Article 10(i) of the Standing Orders of the Governilng Body was not achieved. It neverthless noted that this was the first discussion by the Governing Body of this issue, and that it could return to this question at its November session and decide thereon under normal conditions.