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Burma Out! Long boring posting Gold

Subject: Re: Burma Out! Long boring posting Goldwyn claims FBC

dear burmanet,

ooooooooooooooooofffff. boy this is something. twinkle and roger put brains 
together, come up with zero.

so funny. no one even stop to listen to what rachel have to say. only 
condemn, condemn, condemn -- right away!

ok ask question:

all of burmanet has gotten release of how many polticial prisoner?

answer: none.

goldman parent got release of how many?

answer: one

so maybe goldmans know more about how to get thing done in burma than you 
do? maybe time to listen and learn? hello dum dum are you listening what is 
right in front of you?

i think sometimes activist enjoy being loser. enjoy being victim. enjoy 
being stuck in failure. it is politically correct to be loser, hooray! we 
are victims, hooray for us!

love from, susu who is so irritated. where are burma activist with brain?

>From: policy.office@xxxxxxxxx (Roger Bunn)
>To: burmanet-l@xxxxxxxxxxx
>CC: dawnstar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Burma Out!  Long boring posting Goldwyn claims FBC
>Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 02:47:45 +0000
> >Until she shows herself willing to denounce the
>generals openly, and to>cut these engagement policy
>approach that she and her family has adopted >to
>obtain her release under most suspicious conditions,
>we encourage>others to do the same, and to do as
>you please.  >Dawn Star
>(How forgiving DS.)
>Ladies and gentlemen,
>Having been in this "game" for some considerable while.
>I have been privilige to work with many well known activists,
>some of whom were from S Africa.
>And my experiebce with that nation showed that once
>an activist had "over stepped the line" there was never
>any way back. Rachel Goldwyn commited poitical suicide
>the moment she opened her mouth at Heathrow Airport,
>and handed the junta a propaganda coup. Until that time
>we all in BO, as her friends and supporters, even though
>hampered by her parents wishes for her freedom at any
>price, and the UK media who would eventually have to report
>her words, continued deep faith in Rachel's integrity. But,
>friendship or not, this deeply misguided young woman has
>over stepped the line.  And is no longer considered persona
>gratis by any of the formal Free Burma groups in  the UK.
>She would be a fool to stay around. We are not here,
>on the list, working for freedom, to be betrayed.
>Finally :
>If Mss Goldwyn had been a black South African with a
>home in Soweto, and had handed white minority rule a
>propaganda coup such as she did for the junta, Mss
>Goldwyn would have probably not survived the experience .
>This is London. Here is an except from our BO Loop out
>                          ------------------------
>                                    The UK
>The junta propaganda machine Emailed us. Said it was
>going to send us back a "puppet"... And, reflecting upon
>all the "rubber tyre necklaces" deaths of the past, it didn't
>take long to work that one out.
>Obviously, the news of last  week was of the "release of
>one of our number". One Rachel Goldwyn, 28 yrs old, from
>stylish Barnes, west London. Who, when we surfaced BO
>8 months ago with the completed plan for the outing of the
>Burmese miitary regime, via the IOC, from the Sydney 2000
>Olympiad. Contacted us and requested that she should make
>banners for BO demonstrations and provided us with some
>information on drug abuse in Australia.
>In a bravado of commitment to human rights and in the ousting
>the ethnically unrepresentative team from Rangoon, she was
>prominent on the BO picket lines outside Australia House
>in the Strand.  And independently, although unsupported by
>either the free campaigning groups nor ourselves, confessed
>that she was going to ignore all advice and head for Burma to
>get arrested and released within two months.
>"My family has contacts at the Burmese embassy"  Her timing
>  was spot on.
>The story she now maintains in the European media is
>different from that... "Our Rach", "changed" from innocent but
>"misguided" human rights worker to a "Bride of Juntastein",
>returned to home with her adoring parents. And uncaring
>of the damage caused to exiles, has stated that the "sentence
>shocked her" (7 yrs) and that she thought that "she would be
>deported within a week".
>After her return and "trade in" of her comrades and all she had
>previously stood for, Goldwyn brazenly announced that her next
>career woud be as "a  researcher into anti-drug measures
>being taken on by the  junta's miltitary in the north of the
>country".  (As if anyone would ever believe anything she said
>again huh?) And while helping  "the poor from the inside" ,
>would also complete her masters degree at SOAS, in London.
>Having met with the family before they went out to get her back,
>I had been  concerned that, although in regard to the fight for
>human rights, Dr Charmian Goldwyn seemed strong, it had
>soon became obvious that she was dominated by a husband
>of a far lesser strength.
>And as one listens to her father talk of a promising career
>with an Unlimited Phone Account. One wonders which part
>of  the Golden Triangle will pay for her anti-drug studies.
>                             -----------------------
>                                      Annex :
>One thinks that "brazen" is the correct word for these
>circumstances huh? The Goldwyn goof was not getting released,
>but opening ones mouth without consultation with those who
>knew best and supported the most. Thereby sicking up undiluted
>junta propaganda .. Such are the "render refinements" of
>misguided family loyalty. But then Burma would know more
>about "misguided family loyalties" than most I guess.
>Here, we don't tolerate as much as in the past.
>btw : One hopes that her proposed return, does not further
>disturb the main reasons why we are all, or the ones who are
>not junta mouthpieces, here.  Therefore, can I suggest the we
>end this sickly topic as soon a possible. We can handle the UK
>media on this subject. And Goldwyn will not be accepted as
>genuine here in the UK. If no one on this list allows her the
>contacts and freedoms she wishes for her future, then there
>is little she can do except continue to destroy that which she
>pledged faith in, but at arms length.
>Many commiserations to Ko Aung for any future isolation., for
>it may be he who becomes one of the main victims in this case.
>But that's love fer yuh.  gotta take the rough with the smooth.
>(And that's his solo choice.)
>But the time for more Goldwyn family  "smooth as silk" material
>is over..
>Follow the plea by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and the appreciations
>of HH the Dalai Lama, the Shan Democratic Union,  film maker John
>Pilger, the Free Burma Coalition,  author Alan Clements, Dennis
>Skinner MP, Tony Benn MP, Ann Clwyd MP, Congress-woman
>Maxine Waters,  Socialist Workers' Party,  Dr and Welsh rugby
>star JPR Williams, Hendrix  bassist Noel Redding,  S African jazz
>pianist Abdullah Ibrahim,  All Burma Students Democratic
>Organisation,  All Burma Students Democratic Front, Tasmanian
>Trades & Labour Council,  SACP (South African Communist Party),
>COSATU,  Tim Gopsill, editor.  The.Journalist@xxxxxxxxxx, and
>numerous others.
>Supporting a Genuine war upon drugs and human rights abuse.
>Sydney 2000 : Burma Out!
>Music Industry Human Rights Association
>http://www.mihra.org / policy.office@xxxxxxxxx
>Rachel and James http//:www.mihra.org/2k/rachel.htm
>Union Action http://www.mihra.org/2k/Union.htm
>Founded during UN50. Mihra's roots are in music and anti-racism and
>was first in line in calling for a sports boycott of Burma for the Sydney
>2000 Olympic Games. Mihra also advances protection of creators rights
>in an anti-cultural market, currently 93.8% monopolised by the recording
>/ publishing Grand Cartel.
>Major solo work "Piece of Mind". With orchestra, Holland 69. same
>time as Beatles "Abbey Road".   http://onlinetv.com/rogerbunn.html
>                           ========================

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