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Posted on  Fri 17 Jul 11:00am 1998

Dr U Ne Oo
18 Shannon Place
Adelaide SA 5000

15 July 1998

Senior General Than Shwe
Chairman, State Peace and Development Council
c/- Ministry of Defence
Signal Pagoda Road
Rangoon, Burma.

Dear General Than Shwe

re: Convening National Parliament in Burma
It is learnt that the National League for  Democracy  has put on notice
to your council that the elected representatives will convene the
national parliament on 21 August 1998. I urge you and your council not
to obstruct the lawfully elected representatives carrying  out their
duties of convening a parliament. You should immediately notify  to all
levels of  your council to stop harassing the elected members of

 I also remind you and your council about the United Nations
General Assembly Resolution A/52/137 of  12 December 1997, which
State Peace and Development Council has no rights to make laws in Burma
and, that, the various orders and decrees made by previous military
council, State Law and Order Restoration Council, have no force of
law in Burma. Only the democratically elected representatives can
legitimately form a Legislature and make laws for the people of  Burma.

 I should also repeat the request to your council to form an
Executive Branch which is to operate under the guidence of
democratically elected parliament. Under this arrangement,  members
of  your council may be able to retain their own  portfolios. Along
with international practice, the Executive Branch may implement
matters in accordance with the policy direction and decisions made
by the parliament. Following is the proposed  form of  Burma's
interim administration:

-- A period of 2-3 years should be considered as a transitional period,
and an interim administration should be formed;
-- SPDC/SLORC Cabinet may retain the Executive Power, and the current
Chiarman of  SPDC/SLORC, General Than Shwe, may be allowed to remain as
the Head of  State in this interim period;
-- The elected parliament of 27 May 1990 will operate as Legislature
and the Central Executive Committee of National League for Democracy,
primarily, will run the Legislature;
-- Appropriate committees under the Legislature should be set up to
carry out various tasks, including the wirting of a democratic federal
constitution, during the interim period;
-- To achieve coordination between Legislature and Executive, the
delegates of military authorities may be included in virious committees
of the Legislature;
-- By the end of the interim period, a referendum should be held to
approve the constitution. The decision should also be made by the
Executive and Legislature to hold by-elections to replace missing/
deceased/retired representatives. The transfer of power to the
elected representatives should be made at the end of the interm period;

I am also gravely concerned by the reports from credible sources
regarding with  the massacre of un-armed civilians by Burmese army
that had  taken place in the central  Shan State. I ask you to
urgently allow the U.N.Special Rapporteur, Judge Rajsoomer Lallah,
to visit to Burma and especially to investigate these allegations.
If you fail to solve such problems,  these misdeeds by your
sub-ordinate army officers will become your own responsibility
because you are the Head of State and the chief of armed forces.

/* ------------" Please convert to Wwin__Burmese "---------------- */

odk h//

Adkvf csKyf r_; }uD; oef;a&$
jynfaxmifpk jrefrmEdkifiHawmf

AdkvfcsKyfr_;}uD; oef;a&$ cifAsm;//

ta=umif;t&m// //  jrefrmEdkifiHawmf  jynfol@vGwfawmf usif;ya&; udpP
htrsKd;om; 'Drdkua&pD  tzGJ@csKyfrSS/  EdkifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh
zHG@?zd;a&;aumifpD odk ha&S hvmrnf hh}o*kwfv (21) &ufae h twGif; /
jynfol@vGwfawmfudk usif;yrnf jzpfyga}umif; w&m;0if ta}umif;}um;
xm;jyD;jzpfyg onf? odk hjzpfygI EdkifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh
zHG@?zd;a&;aumifpD tqifhqifhwdk h rS jynfol@vGwfawmf
udk,fpm;vS,fawmfrsm; tm; / rvdkvm;tyfonf h aeSmuf&Sufr_rsm; eSifh
wm;qD; ydwfyifr_rsm; jyKvkyfaejcif; rsm; udk &yfwef;u &yfap&ef/
AdkvfcsKyfr_;}uD; taejzifh tv#iftjref wm;jrpf ay;yg&ef txl;yef}um;

AdkvfcsKyf}uD; eSifhwuG EdkifiHawmfat;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zHG@?zd;a&;
aumifpD tzGJ h0ifrsm; odjyF; jzpfonfhtwdkif;/ 1997 ckeSpf 'DZifbmv
(12)&ufae hurBmhukvor*~ taxGaxGnDvmcH. qkH;jzwfcsuf (United Natons
General Assembly Resoluton No. A/52/137) t& / EdkifiHawmf
at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zHG@?zd;a&;aumifpD taejzifh / jreffrmedkifiHwGif
Oya' jyXmef;ydkifcGifh r&Sdyga}umif; eSiffh / ,cif EdkifiHawmf
jidrf0yfydjym;r_ wnfaqmufa&; tzGJ hrS xkwfjyefcJhaom Oya'
a}ujimcsufrsm;onf w&m;r0if yga}umif; ? jynfolvlxku
a&$;aumufwifajrØmufxm;aom trsKd;om;'Drdkua&pDtzGJOeSifhwuG
jynfolOv$wfawmf udk,fpm;vS,frsm;onf omvsif Oya' jyKcGifh&Sd
xm;yga}umif; / xyfrHI today; ajym}um;vkdygonf?

EdkifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zHG@?zd;a&;aumifpD taejzifh /
tjynfjynfqdkif&m vkyfxkH; vkyfenf;rsm;eSifh tnD / tpdk;&
tkyfcsKyfa&; ydkif; qdkif&mtzGJ htpnf; (Executive Branch)
toGifaqmif,lI / jynfolOv$wfawmfrS Oya' jyXmef;csufrsm; eSifh
tnD aqmif&GufoGm;&ef txl;ojzifh wkdufwGef;vkdygonf ? ,if;
tpDtpOft& / vuf&Sd 0ef}uD;tzGJ honf vuf&SdvkyfydkifcGifh &mxl;rsm;
twdkif; jynfolOv$wfawmf. pDrHcsufrsm; eSifhtnD / qufvuf
taumiftxnfazmf aqmif&GufcGifhrsm;udk &&Sdedkifrnf jzpfygonf?
,m,Dtpkd;& ukd atmufyg twdkif; pDpOfr_ jyKoifhyga}umif;?

(1) 2eSpf-3eSpfwm umvudk / }um;umvtjzpf owfrSwfI / ,m,Dtpkd;&
zGJ hpnf;&ef ?

(2) vuf&Sd EdkifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zHG@?zd;a&;aumifpDonf /
4if;. tkyfcsKyfa&;qdkif&m t%m&yfrsm; (Executive Power) udk
qufvufxdrf;odrf;oGm;jyD; / vuf&Sd EdkifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh
zHG@?zd;a&;aumifpD OuUX AdkvfcsKyfr_;}uD;oef;a&$ taejzifh /
edkifiHawmf t}uD;tuJ wm0efudk 4if; ,m,Dumv twGif;
qufvufxrf;aqmifoGm;&ef ?

(3) jynfol@v$wfawmfonf Oya' jyK r_qdkif&m t%m&yfrsm; (Legislative
Power) ukd csKyfudkifoGm;rnf jzpfI / 1990 ckeSpf arv (27) &uf wGif
jynfolvlxku w&m;0if a&G;cs,fwifajrmufxm;onfh trsKd;om; 'Drdkua&pD
tzGJ@csKyfrS jynfol@v$wfawmfudk,fpm;vS,frsm; onf / Oya' jyK
r_qdkif&m wm0ef t&yf&yfudk xrf;aqmifoGm; &ef ?

(4) 4if;  ,m,DumvtwGif; / oufqdkif&m aumfrDwD toD;oD; uDk
jynfol@v$wfawmfvuf atmufwGif zGJ  hhpnf;I/ zuf'&,f jynfaxmifpk
'Drkdua&pD qdkif&m tajccHOya' a&;qGJjcif; ponf h vkyfief;
wm0eft&yf&yf udkxrf; aqmifoGm;&ef ?

(5) edkifiHawmf Oya'jyK r_qdkif&m tzGJ h (Legislature) eSif h
edkifiHawmf tkyfcsKyfa&;ydkif; qdkif&mtzGJ h (Executive)
wdk hvkyfief;aqmif&Gufr_ acsmarmajyjypfap&ef twGuf / wyfrawmff
t&m&Sd tcsdK hudk / txufyg  aumfrDwD toD;oD; twGif; oifhavsmfovdk
xnfhoGif;oGm;&ef ?

(6)  ,m,Dumv ukefqkH;csdefwGif tajccHOya'udk twnfjyK&ef twGuf
jynfol hrJqENcH,lyGJ usif;y&ef ? 4if;tcsdefwGif / edkifiHawmf
Oya' jyK r_qdkif&mtzGJ h (Legislature) eSif h edkifiHawmf
tkyfcsKyfa&;ydkif;qdkif&m tzGJ h (Executive) wdk hrS
v$wfawmffudk,fpm;vS,f tjidrf;pm;,l (odk h) uG,fvGef (odk h)
aysmufqHk; oGm;aom vpfvyf rJqENe,f rsm;twGuf }um;jzwf
a&G;aumufyGJrsm; pDpOf&ef ? 4if; ,m,Dumv ukefqkH;csdefwGif
taxGaxG tm%mvGJajymif;jcif;udk jyKvkyf&ef wdk h jzpfygonf?

AdkvfcsKyfr_;}uD; oef;a&$ taejzif h txl;owdcsyfapvdkonf rSm /
jrefrmEdkifiH &Srf;jynfe,ftwGif; wyfrawmf om;rsm;u vufeufrJh
&Gmol&Gmom;rsm;udk tpkvkduf tjyKHvdkuf owfjzwfjcif;rsm;
jyKvkyfaea}umif; vHkavmufonf h owif;rsm;&&Sd aeygonf?
AdkvfcsKyf}uD; taejzifhh ukvor*~ txl;pHkprf;a&;r_;
(Judge Rajsoomer Lallah) udk jrefrmEdkifiH twGif; eSifh /
4if; &Srf;jynfe,ftwGif; pHkprf;r_ rsm;jyK&ef tv#iftjref
cGifhjyKapvdkyg onf? AdkvfcsKyf}uD; taejzifh ,if;uJhodk h
cGifhrjyKygvsif / a&S hvmrnfhh umvtwGif; vufatmufi,fom;rsm; .
4if;uJhodk h rdkufrSm;r_rsm; tm;vHk;onf / AdkvfcsKyf}uD; .
acgif;ay:odk h wdkuf&kdufusa&mufvmvdrfh rnfomjzpfa}umif;
txl; owday;vdkygonf?


( OD;aeOD; / tJ'vdyfjrdkk h)

/* Endreport */
EMAILS: druneoo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,drunoo@xxxxxxxxxxxx
POSTMAIL: Dr U Ne Oo, 18 Shannon Place, Adelaide SA 5000, AUSTRALIA
http://freeburma.org  http://www.angelfire.com/al/homepageas/index.htm