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Prospects of education in Myanmar (r)

Subject: Re: Prospects of education in Myanmar 

PROSPEROUS?  Are bridges, hotels, roads Burmese prosperity?

Economy -
     Daily influx of refugees and Burmese illegal immigrant workers into 
Thailand.  Is that the way of economic development which SPDC leads?  How 
many unemployed?  
    Ridiculous foreign exchange rates.  Can Burmese people exchange foreign 
currencies with official rates as much as they want when they travel abroad?  
Why does the junta impose restrictions on the people over how much they can 
exchange?  Why the official rates and black market rates are so different?  
fundamentally, why do black markets exist?  FUNDAMENTALLY.  
    Can a ordinary citizen buy a car or a washing machine or a frig (for 
which people need to use foreign currencies) with officially equivalent 
amount of Burmese currency in Burma?  Can they?  Why do people and companies 
accept black market rates as real rates?  Even in Thailand, people can freely 
exchange foreign currencies as much as they want and can buy every foreign 
imports with official equivalent amount of Bahts.  Why can't the Burmese 
    What is Burma producing these day except selling off all raw natural 
resources to other countries?   Why can't Burma repay the loans?  Why did 
Burma become one of the least developed nations?  Is it something what SPDC 
wants people to be proud of?  Why does the government charge with foreign 
currencies instead of national currency for oversea calls?  Doesn't the junta 
itself recognize its official rates?

Education - 
    How can education be improved with numerous interruptions?  (If it is you 
claim that because of demonstrations and uprisings by students, the junta has 
to shut those down,    then doesn't it very obvious that the junta cares only 
for its existence but doesn't care the youths and their education which are 
the future of Burma?  What should SPDC care the most if it loves the country? 
 It's existence or the youth education?)  
    How can the education be improve if it doesn't allow brain storming, 
reasoning, and questioning?  Can students exercise questioning over all 
issues?  Well, if they were able to do so, there wouldn't have been any 
students in prisons.  Can they question the junta?  Can they make reasoning 
on the country's present situation?  Can they ask many why questions?  Just 
memorization is not the education.  No one should ask students just to 
memorize and force students not to use their brains.  Students should be 
encourage to use their brain storming, reasoning, and questioning.  Does the 
junta encourage or discourage them?  How much is the junta spending for 
education sector in comparison to the defense budget?   That will show which 
the junta cares the most.  

Health -
    How much does SPDC spend for health sector?  Why don't hospitals have 
medicines to treat people?  If you do and you are confident with your health 
systems, why SPDC leaders and Ne Win have to go abroad for treatments?  Why?