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AFP Article 3 Hostages threatened (

Subject: AFP Article 3 Hostages threatened (French)

Be careful what you read and how you read it, there will be a lot of
manipulation and disinformation in the mass media handling of these
stories. Obviously, if you go into an embassy with guns and take
hostages, either you say you are going to kill them, if you are
attacked, or if your demands are not met, or you get your heads blown
off, and fast. get serious, these people are in it deep now. and they
are voicing demands for a Free Burma. Whether or not you agree with
their methods, the fact is, they are bringing attention to the tragedy
of dictatorship in Burma. And they are willing to die for it. No one is
innocent anymore. Not today, not at this time at the end of the century,
unless you want to play like naive children. 

No one can honestly say that they are wrong to bring publicity to the
struggle. And that is what they are doing. No duck and hide when they
need our support is wrong and pathetic. 

We must all now encourage non violence and a peaceful resolution of the
conflict for the safety of all, guaranteed. Not a sham, or a cheap
attack with weapons. That they have been pushed to this sort of defense,
can be argued that they are acting in self defense. They have
established their own mandate. If they dont belong to another group, and
if they are a splinter group, or a bunch of brave fighters, and some
people have suggested that they even may be SPDC moles, whatever they
are they are bringing attention to the terrible struggle in Burma today. 

And they have claimed responsibility for their actions. May the whole
world see and watch and understand what they are doing and why, and who
the real aggressors are in Rangoon. For these people are not terrorists,
they are freedom fighters, they are the victims forced to self defense.
And they should be supported for their courage and their
determination,even if you diapprove of their methods. Their goal is
freedom and democracy in Burma. And there is not a democracy today that
is not defended by arms. If Americans did not take to arms two hundred
years, would their have then been a United States of America? In the
State of New Hampshire, every license plate says it, "Live Free, or

So fence sitters, its time to get down and bow your head, or speak up
now. Not later, not when its too late.

dawn star


21:16 Vendredi 1 octobre 1999

   Les occupants de l'ambassade birmane à
   Bangkok menacent de tuer des otages (AFP) 

   BANGKOK, 1er oct (AFP) - Un groupe d'étudiants dissidents
   birmans, qui retient près de 40 personnes à l'ambassade de
   Birmanie en Thaïlande, a menacé de commencer à exécuter
   des otages si les autorités thaïlandaises ne lui fournissent pas
   un hélicoptère d'ici samedi 08H00 locales (01H00 GMT).

   "Si notre demande n'est pas satisfaite, nous devrons les tuer",
   a déclaré à l'AFP le chef du commando, qui se fait appeler
   "Johnny", joint par téléphone à l'intérieur de l'ambassade.

   "C'est comme s'ils étaient morts", a-t-il ajouté, en précisant
   que le commando commencerait à tuer les otages birmans, un
   toutes les trente minutes.

   Selon des étudiants birmans, le chef des preneurs d'otages est
   un ancien soldat de 30 ans nommé Kyaw Oo.

   La police a indiqué, pour sa part, qu'elle n'avait pas eu
   connaissance de sa menace.