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SHRF report on Poisoning

February 19, 1999


A report on the poisoning of forcibly relocated Shan villagers in Parng Long
by the Shan Human Rights Foundation


Since May 1998 until the present, over 400 villagers in a relocation site
north of the town of Parng Long in Central Shan State have died with
symptoms of poisoning. 

The deaths began occurring after the dumping by the Burmese military of
thousands of poisoned rats into the Pawn River, the only source of water
for the over 10,000 villagers relocated to Wan Nong Wan Koong, which lies
about 3 miles north of Parng Long. On two occasions, once in April 1998 and
once in July 1998, each of the estimated 2,000 households in Parng Long had
been ordered to collect 5 dead rats and deliver them to the authorities.
The rats had mostly been killed with Chinese rat poison. Both times, the
dead rats were dumped into the river.

The symptoms displayed by the sick villagers before death included

headaches, fever, vomiting, inability to eat or drink, dehydration and
failing vision. After death, black bruising appeared all over the body. All
of these have been verified by medical experts as symptoms of poisoning.

Refugees from the area say that the cemetery near the relocation site is so
full that the graves have spilled over into the nearby fields. Despite the
huge number of deaths, the local Burmese health authorities have made no
attempt to deal with this health emergency and investigate the cause of the
poisonings. The carcasses of about 20,000 rats, mostly wrapped in plastic
bags, remain in the river upstream of the relocation site, seeping poison
into the water. Deaths of relocated villagers from poisoning are continuing
to be reported this year.

The villagers relocated to Parng Long are only some of the over 300,000
villagers who have been forced from their homes by the Burmese military
authorities in the massive relocation program that began in 1996, aimed at
depopulating the rural areas of Central Shan State and cutting off support
for the Shan resistance. 

The SHRF strongly condemns the Burmese military regime for causing these
needless deaths in Parng Long. These villagers should never have been
relocated in the first place. They have been deprived of their land and
livelihood, and shot on sight when caught returning to their villages. It
is the final indignity that they are now being poisoned off with the local

* The SHRF appeals to the international community to pressure the Burmese
military regime to stop immediately its forced relocation campaign against
the people of Shan State and to allow the relocated villagers to return to
their original homes in safety. 

* The SHRF meanwhile asks for independent medical experts from
international health bodies to demand immediate access to the areas of
forced relocation in Shan State to monitor the health conditions there. In
particular, the circumstances surrounding the poisoning of the relocated
villagers at Parng Long must be investigated, and the waters of the Pawn
River tested for rat poison.


The forced relocation program in Shan State

In March 1996, the Burmese military regime (the State Law and Order
Restoration Council, later renamed the State Peace and Development Council)
began a massive forced relocation program in Shan State. In an attempt to
cut off civilian support for the Shan armed resistance, the regime began
moving hundreds of villages in Central Shan State to strategic sites near

main roads and towns. The villagers were mostly given only a few days to
move, and could bring only a few possessions with them. Nearly all farmers,
the villagers were forced to leave behind their crops and most of their
animals, many of which were stolen immediately by the SLORC troops. During
the relocation, villagers were beaten, burned alive or shot dead.

No assistance was provided for the villagers at the relocation sites.
Villagers caught returning to their fields were shot on sight. Most
villagers had to sell off their possessions to survive. Some became wage
labourers; some started begging. Many fled to Thailand. 

By early 1998, a total of over 1,400 villages throughout 7,000 square miles
in Central Shan State had been forcibly relocated. Over 300,000 people had
been uprooted from their homes.

New villages have been relocated during 1998 and into early 1999, spreading
the area of forced relocation west into Loksok township, and south into
Murng Ton township bordering Thailand. 

Forced relocation in Parng Long

Parng Long is famous for being the town where the Parng Long Agreement was
signed in 1947. In this treaty the Shans, Kachins and Chins agreed to join
a Union of Burma to gain speedy independence from the British. 

Forced relocations began north of Parng Long (in Loi Lem and Ho Pong
townships) in January 1998, two years after the relocations occurred in
most of the other areas in Central Shan State. 

Four village tracts, containing 146 villages, totaling well over 10,000
people. in an area of about 100 square miles to the north west of Parng
Long town were ordered to move to the town.

The villagers from this area were almost all Tai Loi ("Hill Shan"), who
unlike most other Shans live in hill villages. There were also some Pa-O

villages in the area, but these were either not ordered to move, or after
the move were allowed back immediately. All of the relocated villagers were
farmers growing tea and cheroot leaves in hill fields. 

The area of Parng Long lies to the west of the main area of operation of
the Shan States Army (South), the active Shan armed resistance group, and
refugees from the area insist that there had been no fighting between Shan
and SPDC troops in their area before the relocation. However, the villagers
in the area were suspected of supporting Shan resistance troops, and were
therefore relocated.

The villagers were ordered to move in late January, but most of the
villagers did not move initially, hoping that the order would be revoked.
However, on February 22, a group of soldiers from the SPDC Light Infantry
Battalion 513 in Parng Long came up to the area and told them to move
immediately or they would be shot. After consultation with local community
leaders and monks on February 23, most of the villagers left on February 24
in a huge convoy, on ox-carts, horses or on foot.

Most of the villagers simply took blankets, clothes, cooking pots, valuable
household possessions, and small amounts of rice with them. They left their
livestock such as cattle, because they hoped that they would be allowed to
return within a few weeks. However, on the very day they moved, soldiers
from LIB 513 already began looting their deserted houses and shooting their
remaining livestock, which they took in trucks down Parng Long and later
sold in the market as meat.  

The journey of the relocated villagers by ox-cart down to Parng Long took
about 15-16 hours. The villagers had at first simply been told that they
had to go to the town of Parng Long, but when they arrived on February 24,
they were prevented from entering the town by a group of about 50 soldiers
and police. Even those villagers with relatives in the town were not
allowed through. The thousands of villagers had to spent that night camped
out by the road north of the town. The next morning, soldiers trucked them
to a site 3 miles north of the town and ordered them to settle there.  

Conditions in the relocation site near Parng Long


The area to the north of Parng Long town to which the villagers were
relocated was an empty plain east of the River Pawn, near a small existing
village called Wan Nong Wan Koong. The land had not been cultivated because
it was not fertile, and contained nothing but bushes and grass.

For the "Tai Loi" villagers, whose homes were in the cool moist hills north
of the town, settling in on the hot, dusty plain meant a complete change of
environment. Many of the older villagers had never even been down to the
town of Parng Long before in their lives.

The SPDC soldiers provided nothing for the relocated villagers, who had to

find all their own building materials. They spent the first few days simply
camping out under plastic sheets among the bushes, before being able to
collect enough bamboo and thatch from the surrounding area to build proper

The villagers built huts in close clusters, according to their original
villages. The huts were simple structures built on the ground, unlike their
traditional stilted wooden houses.  

In order to keep watch on the relocated villagers, the SPDC soldiers from
LIB 513 in Parng Long set up a base on a hill overlooking the relocation
site. They ordered that no villagers should go and stay with relatives in
Parng Long, and they patrolled the town checking on numbers staying in
houses. Relocated villagers found staying in the town were immediately
ordered back to the relocation site. 


During the first few months, most of the relocated villagers lived on the
rice and other dried food they had brought with them from their homes, or
else sold off their possessions to earn money to buy food. 

In the first week, members of the local community in the nearby towns of
Parng Long, Murng Pawn and Namzarng who wished to help them also arranged
for trucks of cooked rice and curries to be brought to the site and
distributed to the villagers. However, after only about 3 days the SPDC
began confiscating some of the food being brought on the trucks, and after
10 days forbade any more deliveries of donated food.

The villagers were strictly forbidden to go back to their original
villages, and thus had no means of earning a living as there was no
agricultural wage labour available in the area. Many thus had to risk
sneaking back to their old plantations in the hills, where they secretly

picked tea leaves, and then brought them back to sell in Parng Long market.
However, this was extremely dangerous, as anyone caught doing this was shot
on sight. For example, on May 28, 1998, 5 villagers, 2 women and 3 men,
relocated from the village of Phong Seng to Parng Long were shot dead by
soldiers from LIB 513 when caught returning to pick tea leaves.  

During the dry season it was impossible to grow anything in the relocation
site. Only in the rainy season could people grow a few vegetables around
their huts. Some villagers tried planting rice and soybean, but the soil
was so poor that there was no harvest. 


The only water source available for the relocated villagers was the Pawn
River, which flowed to the west of the relocation site. The Tai Loi
villagers were used to plentiful water supplies in their home villages, and
to having wells near their houses. People tried digging wells up to 15 feet
deep in the relocation site, but they found no water. 

The villagers would walk up to 15 minutes each day to reach the sandy bank
of the river, where they would wash, and bring water back to their huts in
containers. Most people boiled the water before drinking it.


According to refugees, the "Tai Loi" from the area north of Parng Long are
traditionally extremely healthy people. In their original villages, there
was hardly ever any sickness, and most people lived to a ripe old age. 

Perhaps because of their original robust health, after moving to the
relocation site the villagers apparently suffered no serious health
problems in the area in the first few months (March-April 1998), despite
the change of the environment and the heat. 

There were anyway no health facilities set up by the authorities for them
in the relocation site, despite the fact that this had been promised to
them by the military authorities before they were relocated. If any
villagers fell sick, they had to walk for about an hour and a half to reach
the town of Parng Long, where there was a government hospital (where
patients had to pay for any treatment) and about 4 private clinics.


There had been schools in many of the villages before they were relocated,
or  temples where young boys could become novices to receive a basic
education. However, following the relocation, there were no schools set up
in the relocation site. Even though in the first few months some of the
relocated monks stayed in makeshift "temples" with their original
communities, because of the lack of food most of them were forced to move
to temples in Parng Long. Thus there was nowhere even for young boys to
study, and most of the novices disrobed. For example, there used to be 2

monks and nearly 100 novices at the temple of the village of Khong Kao.
After the relocation, all but 4 of the novices disrobed.

Forced labour

Straight after moving to the site, the villagers were being ordered to work
without pay for the army at the local army base (LIB 513). Each household
would have to provide someone to work at least 3 times a month to perform
tasks for the soldiers such as cutting firewood, clearing land, building
fences and digging ditches.


The order to catch rats in Parng Long

In the last week of April, 1998, the SPDC military authorities gave an
order to the quarter headmen of Parng Long that each household in the town
would have to kill 5 rats and deliver them by 8 am the following morning at
the SPDC office next to the main town market. They were ordered to bring
the rats dead or alive.  Any household that did not bring the rats would be
charged 100 kyats per rat.

According to refugees from the area, there had never been such an order
before, despite the fact that rats had always been plentiful in Parng Long. 

Most of the townspeople bought Chinese rat poison from the market in order
to kill the rats. There were several kinds of poison available: small vials
of white powder, for 50 kyats each; small vials of liquid for 5 kyats each,
and packets of rice-like pellets for 5 or 10 kyats each. Most people
preferred to use the powder or the pellets, as these were stronger than the
liquid, so the rats would die more quickly, and would be easier to find
around the house. 
People mixed the poison with food and then left it either on plastic bags
or on bowls at the foot of walls inside their houses in the evening. Early

the following morning they collected the rats' bodies and most people put
them in plastic bags to take to the market.

By dawn the following morning, about 7 SPDC soldiers from the local 513
army base were ready at the office near the market with large cane baskets
(about 4 feet tall and 3 feet in diameter) to collect the rats. The
townspeople brought their rats, and the soldiers counted the tails, threw
them in the basket and then ticked them off the list. 

According to eyewitnesses, the stench from the dead rats piling up in the
baskets was overpowering. This was partly because some people had collected
up not only the fresh bodies of rats, but also those that had been dead for
a while. Some people delivered their rats and then vomited nearby.

The dumping of the rats in the Pawn River

By mid-morning about five of the large baskets were filled with dead rats,
mostly still in the plastic bags in which they had been brought. The
baskets were then put on an army truck and driven to the 513 army base. 

The following morning, at about 5 am, before dawn, 3 relocated villagers
from Wan Tok and Khong Lang villages happened to be driving a "tohlagyi"
(small tractor) from the relocation site to the market in Parng Long. They
crossed over the "Kho Phuk" (White Bridge), a solid metal structure built
over the Pawn River since the time of the British.  Half way across the
bridge, they passed a parked army truck, from which soldiers were emptying
baskets of rats into the river. Although the villagers were too afraid to
stop, they immediately recognised that these were the rats collected the
day before in town, and noted that lime powder had been sprinkled over the
rats to prevent them smelling.

These villagers were the only witnesses to the dumping of the rats. After
this, there was no visible trace that the rats had been dumped there. 

The Pawn River is a slow-flowing river, At the bridge site it is about 15
feet deep, and 30 feet wide, although further along its course it is wider
and shallower in parts. According to local villagers, the rats must have
simply sunk to the bottom of the river near the bridge, since the flow is
so slow. 

At around the time that the rats were dumped in the river, the relocated
villagers were forbidden from walking across the Kho Phuk bridge, and were
told to cross over at another point further north since it was "more
convenient." Only vehicles were allowed to cross the bridge. 

Sickness and death from poisoning

The relocation site of Wan Nong Wan Koong is directly downstream along the
Pawn River from Parng Long and the bridge where the rats were dumped. As

mentioned above, the river was the only water source for the over 10,000
villagers staying there. 

Within days after the rats were dumped, people began falling sick in the
relocation site. The first to begin suffering were children from the houses
nearest the river, because they would often spend each day swimming in the

The symptoms that people suffered were first a severe headache, followed by
fever and vomiting. They would then be unable to keep down any food or
drink, and would quickly become weak and dehydrated, and their vision would
start failing. This would continue for 5 or more days until the patient
either recovered or died. If the patient died, shortly before dying, the
patient would start gasping for breath. After death, the lips and palms of
the patient would turn black, and dark blotches would appear on their skin  

Whether or not the patients recovered depended mainly on whether they were
able to be treated in time. In the first few weeks after the poisonings
began occurring, people in the relocation site were as yet unaware of the
seriousness of the illness, and did not seek any special treatment. Thus
most people who fell sick died. However, when it became apparent that the
condition was fatal, those with enough money were taken to be treated in
the hospitals or clinics in Parng Long or Loi Lem. At these places, the
patients were usually given intravenous saline drips, which, if the
patients had not been sick for too long, usually enabled them to recover.
If the patients had already been sick for about 5 days, then the treatment
was not effective. 

However, many of the relocated villagers did not have enough money to treat
themselves in the town. One refugee from the area who had become sick with
poisoning symptoms, but recovered after treatment, said she had slept at a
clinic in Loi Lem and been given 20 intravenous drips over a period of 3
days. It cost her 30,000 kyats (approximately US$85). This high cost was
prohibitive for most of the relocated villagers. By June, several people
were dying each day. 

When the villagers died, they were usually simply wrapped in a mat, and
then carried to the local cemetery to the north of the site and buried.
Traditionally, Shans hold funeral ceremonies lasting for several days, with
hosting of community members, but because the relocated villagers were so
poor, and had so little food, they could no longer afford to do this. 

It is noteworthy that none of the villagers from the original village of
Wan Nong Wan Koong fell sick with the same symptoms. These villagers did
not use the water from the river, but would fetch their water by ox-cart
from a source about one and a half hours away. The soldiers at the nearby
military unit also did not use the water from the river, and none of them
fell sick.

Death of the river fish 

At the same time that people began falling ill at the relocation site,
people living downstream from the town began noticing that fish in the
river were dying. The fish were found floating dead at the sides of the
river, with a mottled, sickly appearance, so that nobody dared eat them.
The local villagers thought that the fish had caught a type of leprosy
("doot" in Shan) and until the time of this report, no one is catching or
eating any fish from the river near the town. 

Most of the Shans living in and around Parng Long do not traditionally fish
in the River Pawn, but Karen living in the village of Wan Kiu Yom, about 3
miles north-east of the town, used to earn a living from catching fish,
wild animals and insects, which they sold in the market in Parng Long.
Following the death and sickness of the fish, these Karen are no longer
able to earn anything from selling fish.

The second dumping of rats

In spite of what was clearly a health emergency, there was no attempt by
the local authorities during May and June to deal with the problem. Not
only that, but at the end of June, they again gave the order for the
townspeople of Parng Long to collect 5 dead rats each per household. 

The procedure for killing and collecting rats was exactly the same as in
April. Again, the rats were dumped in the river. This time no villagers saw
the dumping, but an inside source from the military camp confirmed that the

rats had been dumped in the same place.

Following this second dumping of rats, there were increased incidences of
poisoning among the relocated villagers, who say that the months of July
and August were the worst, with 3-4 people dying every day. The cemetery to
the north of the site became so full that people were forced to dig new
graves in the fields nearby.

Response from the local authorities

For several months no one in the relocation site dared to approach the
authorities directly about the poisonings, but in early July, one of the
villagers went to request medical assistance from the government office in
Loi Lem. Following the visit, the hospital authorities in Parng Long
arranged for 3 health workers to visit the relocation site together with
troops from LIB 513 in a military truck. 

The health workers visited some of the people who were sick, and simply
administered 5 white pills per person. They did not give any special
instructions about how to take the pills. According to the local people,
the condition of those that took the pills did not improve. Only this one
health visit was made, and the villagers did not request any further
medical assistance from the authorities.

However, on July 12, a man called Sang Lu from the relocated village of Ban
Inn Mon went to the main government office at Loi Lem and appealed for them
to let the relocated villagers return home. He was immediately jailed for
36 days, and was only released after he had paid one baht of gold. After
that time, no one dared approach the local authorities.

Reactions among the local villagers

According to refugees from the area, most of the relocated villagers did
not  connect the deaths with the dumping of the rats in the river. Partly
because of this, and partly because they anyway have no other water source,
to this day they are still using the water from the river for drinking. 

Although some of the more educated villagers connected the rats with the
deaths, most of the villagers did not for several reasons. Firstly, they
apparently believed that the rats would have quickly decomposed in the
river. Since most of them are hill people, with no experience of modern
technology, it is likely that most of them are unaware that plastic bags
are not biodegradable, and that if most of the rats were put in plastic
bags, then the carcasses would still be contained at the bottom of the
river, gradually seeping out their poison into the water. Secondly, some
did not seem to realise that the poison that killed the rats could also
kill them. They were heard to say:"We even eat rats in our own villages,
what's wrong with eating rats anyway?"

A further problem was that people were afraid to openly talk about the
dumping of the rats since it was tantamount to criticizing the authorities.
Refugees from the relocation site claim that "spies" from the local
authorities visit the site regularly, mostly Burmese in the guise of local

While some of the villagers suspected that the SPDC may have poisoned them
through the rats in the water, some believed they were in fact poisoned
through a rice donation given by the authorities in the first week of May.
At that time, SPDC soldiers drove in several trucks with 200 sacks of rice,
which they distributed on two occasions at a rate of about 4 condensed milk
tins per person among the relocated villagers. The rice was apparently from
Central Burma, and was stale, ill-smelling and discoloured. Many of the
villagers did not eat it immediately, but only when they had no other rice
available. Some of the people who ate the rice also suffered poisoning
symptoms. This could have been coincidence, and they could have simply been
poisoned by the water, but the fact the villagers believed that even the
rice distributed by the authorities was poisoned is an indication of the
level of fear and insecurity reigning in the site.

Whatever the villagers believed was the cause of the poisoning, they were
clearly terrified by the deaths occurring all around them. As the numbers
of deaths continued to rise in July and August, the relocated villagers

began moving out of the site. Many went to settle in villages to the west
of Namzarng (which had not been relocated); many went to stay in the Pa-O
villages north of the town that had not been relocated (to do this, the
Pa-O insisted that they should dress in the traditional black costume of
the Pa-O, in case the SPDC military punished them for harbouring Shans).
Many simply went back to hide in the hills near their old villages,
choosing to risk being shot on sight rather than die of the mysterious
disease in the relocation site.  

By September 1998, only about 100 households of the original over 2,000
households were left in the relocation site. 

Recent cases of poisoning

Probably because of this exodus from the relocation site, and perhaps
because the poison had mostly been washed away by the river, the number of
deaths fell sharply in September and towards the end of the year. 

However, cases of poisoning were still occurring as recently as December
1998 and January 1999. One woman originally from the village of Wan Tok,
who had gone to live in the town of Parng Long after being relocated, went
back to visit the relocation site in later December 1998. She did not eat
anything there, but accepted a cup of tea, made with water from the Pawn
River. After returning to Parng Long, she because ill with symptoms of
poisoning, and only recovered after long and expensive treatment at a
clinic in the town. 

On January 8, 1999, a woman called Ba Yoi, originally from the village of
Wan Erk Lin Leng, who was still living in the relocation site, died with
symptoms of poisoning at Parng Long Hospital. She had been ill for 5 days,
and had been brought to the hospital by her daughter, who only had enough
money to pay for one intravenous drip, which was not enough to save her
mother's life.

Refugees estimate that a total of over 400 villagers relocated to Parng
Long have died since May 1998. SHRF has a list of 50 of the names of those
that died from a few villages (see Appendix). The refugees who provided the
list could only remember the names of those that came from the villages
around them.
The fact that villagers from the relocation site have still been dying in
January 1998 indicates that there is still poison present in the waters of
the Pawn River.


SHRF is convinced that the massive number of deaths in the Parng Long
relocation site are a direct result of the dumping by SPDC troops of
poisoned rats into the Pawn River.  

While it cannot be conclusively proved that the dumping of the rats was a
deliberate attempt to kill the relocated villagers, the refusal of local
officials to address the health emergency show that the military
authorities were content to let the villagers die in large numbers. 

The SHRF strongly condemns the Burmese military regime for causing these
needless deaths in Parng Long. These villagers should never have been
relocated in the first place. They have been deprived of their land and
livelihood, and shot on sight when caught returning to their villages. It
is the final indignity that they are now being poisoned off with the local

* The SHRF appeals to the international community to pressure the Burmese
military regime to stop immediately its forced relocation program in Shan
State and to allow all of the relocated villagers to return to their
original homes in safety. 

* The SHRF meanwhile asks for independent medical experts from
international health bodies to demand immediate access to the areas of
forced relocation in Shan State to monitor the health conditions there. In
particular, the circumstances surrounding the poisoning of the relocated
villagers at Parng Long must be investigated, and the waters of the Pawn
River tested for rat poison.


a. list of villagers who have died of poisoning
b. map of relocation site near Parng Long
c. photos of relocation site
d. map of villages relocated to Parng Long 
e. map of area of forced relocation in Shan State
f. list of villages forcibly relocated in Parng Long

List of villagers relocated to Wan Nong Wan Koong, who are known to have
died with symptoms of poisoning 

(This list is incomplete, as it was given by refugees from the villages
listed, who only knew of deaths in those villages. There are only 4
villages listed here, out of a total of 144, so the total number of deaths
is obviously much higher.)

Name				age			original village
1. Pa Mya (F)			53			Wan Tok, Sanen Tract
2. Pa Say (F)			70			Wan Tok, Sanen Tract
3. Loon Sai (M)		50			Wan Tok, Sanen Tract
4. Pa Mya (F)			48			Wan Tok, Sanen Tract
5. Mae Tao Nyo (F)		86			Wan Tok, Sanen Tract
6. Ai Mone (M)		6			Wan Tok, Sanen Tract

7. Loon Myat (M)		56			Khong Kao, Sanen Tract
8. Pa Kham (F)		50			Khong Kao, Sanen Tract
9. Nang Mon (F)		18			Khong Kao, Sanen Tract
10. Mae Tao Su (F)		82			Khong Kao, Sanen Tract
11. Mae Tao Par (F)		68			Khong Kao, Sanen Tract
12. Loon Tun (M)		53			Khong Kao, Sanen Tract
13. Ai Hla (M)		5			Khong Kao, Sanen Tract
14. Loon Kham Lim (M)	75			Khong Kao, Sanen Tract
15. Pa Mya (F)		60			Khong Kao, Sanen Tract
16. Pa Kyi (F)		42			Khong Kao, Sanen Tract
17. Aye Sain (F)		10			Khong Kao, Sanen Tract
18. Pa Kue (F)		65			Khong Kao, Sanen Tract
19. Loon Tun (M)		58			Berng Long, Sanen Tract
20. Pa Sone (F)		43			Berng Long, Sanen Tract
21. Pa Yoie (F)		40			Berng Long, Sanen Tract
22. Pa Mu (F)			48			Berng Long, Sanen Tract
23. Pa Tone (F)		65			Berng Long, Sanen Tract
24. Nang Sang (F)		7			Berng Long, Sanen Tract
25. San Sen (M)		18			Berng Long, Sanen Tract

26. Loon Sai (M)		50			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
27. Loon Phay (M)		48			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
28. Loon Kheng (M)		60			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
29. Pa Mark (F)		50			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
30. Nang Pang (F)		18			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
31. Ai Sai (M)		12			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
32. Pa Phong (F)		58			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
33. Loon Pan Da (M)		62			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
34. Pa Mya (F)		42			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
35. Pa You (F)		45			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
36. Pa Lem (F)		56			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
37. Tun Hla (M)		25			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
38. Nang Sang Kyi (F)	18			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
39. Sane Kyaw (M)		13			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
40. Pa Nang (F)		48			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
41. Pa Yone (F)		34			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
42. Nang Jang (F)		12			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
43. Nang Ani (F)		11			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
44. Loon Yon (M)		32			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
45. Nang Mya (F)		12			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
46. Mae Tao Aie (F)		62			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
47. Ai Aung (M)		6			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
48. Pa Kham (F)		32			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract
49. Loon Hla (M)		48			Wan Jong,  Sanen Tract
50. Pa Sane (F)		50			Wan Jong, Sanen Tract