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The Statement of NLD-LA(Youth) on t

The Statement of National League for Democracy-Liberated Area (Youth) on
the occasion of 10th Anniversary of 8-8-88 Democratic Uprising

Today marks the 10th anniversary of nationwide upheaval in Burma primarily
led by students and youth protesting the removal of one party military
dictatorship, an unheard of event in our history, to demand restoration for
the genuine democracy. In the attempt to protest the Burmese military
dictatorship thousands of demonstrators led by students and joined by
Buddhist monks, as well as citizenry whose general will was not only
disregarded but were brutally massacred by military regime resulting the
loss of thousands of lives of our own people.

1. Furthermore on September 18, 1988 the Burmese military transferred their
hold of power among themselves to stabilize people anger, anguish and agony
by forming State Law and Order restoration Council (SLORC). It was look
upon by the Burmese people as insult added to injury. To try to satisfy the
people's urge for multi-party election SLORC held general election on May
27, 1990, whereby NLD under the leadership of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi won the
landslide victory by the margin of 82 percent. However, SLORC did not keep
the pledge by refusing to hand-over the reins of government since then.

2. We are now at a time when there are developments indicating that an
unusual turn of the political situation is about to take place. So that we
all entire people may better shoulder our responsibility in the role that
we have to play, at the time of political change, concerning the entire
people made up of various ethnic nationalities. A t the same time, we
notice that NLD and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi need to be more supported by
entire people.

3. Political, economic and social problems that the country is facing will
not be solved by obstruction, restriction and repression actions at all
governmental levels against the legal activities of the NLD, a legally
standing political party, especially the interference against travelling of
the NLD Gen. Sec., Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, relating to the NLD's MPs and
members of NLD, as is happening today. With good and virtuous intentions we
should meet and discuss and find situations, the National League for
Democracy-Liberated Area (Youth) believes that this is a only way by which
the well being of the state and its citizens can be achieved.

4. We NLD-LA(Youth) strongly demand the SLORC/SPDC-to convince parliament
before the NLD demand on convening the parliament on August 21st, 1998; To
release unconditional MPs and all political prisoners; to solve current
political problems by peaceful mean without violent.

5. Therefore, on this great 10th Anniversary of 8-8-88 Nationwide Uprising
in honor and memory of students, youth, Buddhist monks and people who were
The Fallen Heroes, we NLD-LA (Youth) give our somber pledge that the NLD-LA
(Youths) bearing in mind and holding fast to the principles and programs
laid down by the NLD led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, affirm that we will
relentlessly struggle on, together with all the ethnic nationalities and
the entire mass of youths, for the resolution of problems of the country
and the youths, and for the establishment of a genuine multi-party
democratic State.


							    Central Youth Working Group
National League for Democracy-Liberated Area (Youth)
August 8, 1998

PS: Change into Wwin-Burmese

trsdK;om;'Drdkua&pDtzGJ?csKyf=vGwfajrmufe,fajr (vli,f). 8 8 88
(10)ESpfajrmufae? xkwfjyefa-unmcsuf

,ae?onf ausmif;om;vli,frsm;rS pwifOD;aqmifI jynfolvlxk=uD;w&yfvHk;u
wpfygwDppftm%m&Sifpepfudk rvdkvm;awmha=umif;/ ppfrSefonfh
'Drdkua&pD&&dka&;udkom vdkvma=umif;jyoonfhtaejzifh ordkif;wGifr?uHpbl;
tHk=uGv#uf wpfcJeuf qENjyawmif;qdkcJhonfh &Spfav;vHk; 'Drdkua&pDv_rf&Sm;r_
ta&;awmfyHk=uD;(10)ESpf jynfhajrmufonfh ae?jzpfayonf? xdk?aewGif
jidrfcsrf;pGmqENjy awmifqdkcJh=uaom &[ef&Sifvljynfol ausmif;om;wdk?.
qENudkrsufuG,f?yum &ufpufpGmowfjzuf cJhrla=umifh 'Drdkua&pDvdkvm;ol
axmifaygif;rsm;pGmwdk?. toufqHk;&Hl; cJh=u&ay onf?

1? 1988ckESpf/ pufwifbmv(18)&ufae? EdkifiHawmftm%mudk
ppfwyfuodrf;ydkufvdkufjyD;aemuf 1988ckESpf.&v'ftjzpf 1990ckeSpf arv(27)
&ufae?wGif ygwDpHktaxGaxGa&G;aumufyGJudk usif;yay;cJhygond?
xdka&G;aumufyGJwGifa':atmifqef; pk=unfOD;aqmifaom trdsK;om;'Drdkua&pD
tzGJ?csKyfu 82 &mcdkif;Elef;ausmf tedkif&&dScJhaomfvnf; ,ae?wdkif tm%mvGJ
ajymif;ay;jcif;r&dSbJ tm%mudk zufwG,fxm;qJ&dSygonf?

2? ,cktcsdefonf jrefrmEdkifiHtwGif; xl;jcm;aom EdkifiHa&;tcsdK;tauG?wck
jzpfay:vmrnfh t&dyfvuQ%mrsm; ay:xGef; aeaom tcsdeftcgvnf; jzpfygonf?
Todk?aom wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;aygif;pHk jynfolvlxkw&yfvHk;wdk?ESifh
oufqdkifonfh EdkifiHa&;tvSnfhtajymif;wGif rdrdwdk?yg0if&rnfh tcef;u?wGif
pGrf;tm;jynfh ydkrdkxrf;aqmifEdkif&ef vdktyfygonf? wqufwnf;rSmyif
trsdK;om;'Drdkua&pDtzGJ?csKyfESifh a':atmifqef;pk=unftm;
ydkrdk0ef;&HaxmufcH&efvnf; vdktyfrnf[k owd?yrDygonf?

3? jrefrmEdkifiHwGifjzpfay:aeaom EdkifiHa&;/ pD;yGm;a&;/
vlrla&;jy\emrsm;udk oufqdkif&mtm%mydkif tzGJ?tpnf; tqifhqifhwdk?rS w&m;0if
&yfwnfaeaom EdkifiHa&;ygwDjzpfonfh trsdK;om;'Drdkua&pDtzGJ?csKyf.
w&m;0ifaqmif&Gufcsufrsm;tm; zdEdSyfcsKyfcs,f uef?owfwm;qD;aer_rsm;/
txl;ojzifh trsdK;om;'Drdkua&pDtzGJ?csKyf taxGaxGtwGif;a&;r?;
a':atmifqef;pk=unf. trsdK;om;'Drdkua&pDtzGJ?csKyf jynfol?vGwfawmf
udk,fpm;vS,frsm;/ tzGJ?0ifrsm;ESifh awG?qHk&ef c&D;oGm;jcif;tay:
[ef?wm;ydwfyif zdESdyfaESmifh,Sufjcif;jzifh ajz;?Sif;Edkifrnfr[kwfyg?
pdwfaumif; apwemaumif;jzifh awG?qHkaqG;aEG;!?dEldif; tajz&Smjcif;onfomv#if
EdkifiHawmfESifh EdkifiHom;wdk?. tusKd;pD;yGm;udk az:aqmifEdkifrnfh
wpfckwnf; aom enf;vrf;jzpfonf[k
trsKd;om;'Drdkua&pDtzGJ?csKyf-vGwfajrmufe,fajr(vli,f)rS ,Hk=unfygonf?

4? odk?ygI e0w?etz ppftm%mydkifrsm;taejzifh-
	a':atmifqef;pk=unfESifh trsdK;om;'Drdkua&pDtzGJ?csKyfrS awmifqdkxm;onfh
=o*kwfv(21)&ufae? aemufqHk;xm;I jynfol?vGwfawmf ac:,lusif;yay;&ef/
zrf;qD;xdrf;odrfxm;aom jynfol?vGwfawmf udk,fpm;vS,frsm;ESifh twdkuftcH
EdkifiHa&;tif;tm;pkrsm;tm; cGsif;csufr&Sd tjref qHk;jyefvGwfay;&ef/
jzpfay:aeaom EdkifiHa&;jy\memrsm;tm; t=urfzufajz&Sif;jcif;r?yvkyfbJ
edkifiHa&;enf;vrf;rsm;jzifhom  jidrfcsrf;pGm ajz&Sif;&ef ponfwdk?udk
trsdK;om;'Drdkua&pD tzGJ?csKyf-vGwfajrmufe,fajr (vli,f)rS tav;teuf

5? &Spfav;vHk;ta&;awmfyHk=uD;twGif; trdedkifiHtwGuf toufaoG;acGs;rsm;pGmudk
t&iftEDS;?yI wdkufyGJ0if;cJh=uaom &[ef&Sifvljynfol ausmif; om;vli,f
tmZmenfol&Jaumif;rsm;udk OD;n$wf*k%f?yI
trsdK;om;'Drdkua&pDtzGJ?csKyf-vGwfajrmufe,fajr(vli,f)taejzifh a':atmifqef;
pk=unfOD;aqmifaom trsdK;om;'Drdkua&pDtzGJ?csKyfrS csrSwfxm;aom
r_0g'vkyfief;pOfrsm;tm; ESvHkoGif;udkifpGJum ppfrSefaomygwDpHk 'Drdkua&pD
EdkifiHawmfopf wnfaqmufEdkifa&;tygt0if wdkif;jynf.jy\emrsm;ESifh
vli,fxkjy\emrsm;tm; wdkif&if;om;vlrsdK;aygif;pHk jynfolvlxkw&yfvHk;
ESifhylaygif;I rqkwfrepf tpGrf;ukef wdkufyGJ0ifoGm;rnfjzpfa=umif;
T=uD;jrwfvSaom &Spfav;vHk;'Drdkua&pD ta&;awmfyHk=uD;wGif xkwfjyef

&Spfav;vHk;pdwf"gwf t"Gef?&Snfygap?
ta&;awmfyHk atmif&rnf?
trsdK;om;'Drdkua&pDtzGJ?csKyf-vGwfajrmufe,fajr (vli,f)
1998ckESpf =o*kwfv(8)&uf